Looking for whole distillate batches - D8/D10 included

Just like the title says, ladies and gentlemen :slight_smile: Looking for compliant D8/D10 batches, whole runs - no piecemeal stuff. If this is something you can accomodate please DM me. Will be performing our own third party testing to verify against your own COAs (as per usual for orders this size) - client is well versed in variances between labs and is aware of the current D8 market to the fullest. If everything is perfect this could potentially be a continuing relationship - our intended type of business ideally.

Thank you guys and have a great weekend!



It doesnt exist yet.

At least not over 90% TAC


I am happy to accept limitations to save someone else’s business from non-compliance. Straight up I don’t like to play with other people’s bread and butter so say no more on that one. Buuuuuuuuut…I mean - I’m open to most all compliant hemp based extracts essentially, they all don’t have to be the cannabinoids du-jour. Fair prices for whole-batch volume is alllllllllllways entertained over here and should be shot over


Exactly how much is a “whole batch”??

“Gee we have no more material to run today, that must have been the whole batch”

Or however you schedule your lab’s workflow. I don’t direct them. You should be telling ME what your batches look like.


We should be telling you the quantity of a product you are looking to aquire?

How this conversation will actually play out:
Him: I’m looking for a whole batch.
You: My batch size is 20l and I’ll take $5 a gram for it.
Him: That sounds great but can we do $4.50 I’ll buy every batch you make.
You: I guess we could do that when do you want to make the first purchase?
Him: Well actually i need 1 litre to do some r n d but we’re scaling fast I’ll buy the whole 20l next time :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: . I’ll take the one at $4.50.

Edit: You hurt bro? You’ve been replying for 5 minutes.


You’ve been staring at a blank screen for that long? You shouldn’t look at the sun like that for future reference.


Did you just call yourself the sun? It’s very clear you’re not that bright.


And I thought :man_shrugging:moma called me sun cause I was bright.


No guys he means he wants allll the fractions obviously

Full af spectrum




In gummies tinctures and other products we have it compliant at that point


Doesn’t everyone?

That’s the point. Someone else said it doesn’t exist so I was saying more or less depends on the product.

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More raw goods essentially is what we’re looking for. We’ve got warehouses full of finished products right now and are trying to cut costs on the main ingredients for the manufacturers we own via large volume purchasing.

But damn. D8 gummies are AWESOME. I just gotta say that much


You have warehouses full because you confiscate them lol? Why are you not monetizing warehouses and still trying to aquire more oil that you kinda asked for illegally and knew you were doing so? If it’s a warehouse and it’s plural then this doesn’t seem to make sense.

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