Looking for Trim/Biomass

What are you looking for? Flower or Bio mass trim? Hit me up 970 368 0467

I have 2000lbs trim in so cal area for 45 dollars lb will deliver

You have pictures or video? Outdoor, indoor, greenhouse trim?

You have shatter trim?

I do have video an pic 5303668248 this my number hit me up so I can send them to ya

Am I getting this right y’all are giving your contact info for illegal sale/purchase of Cannabis on a platform that strictly forbids it, with cops EVERYWHERE :thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yes, the answer is YES


Since when has selling/ trading for a donation, of your legal trim , from your legal 48 / 99 plant garden become illegal ? I need to be updated with the laws , been on the hill too long


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I got 1000units of trim 6616679021

Got some A+ indoor exotic and og trims if still looking.


L2L, amount available, location

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We source a lot of trim for ourselves, too much sometimes that we don’t take the whole lot.

If you need L2L, California (SoCal) trim I can link you. We buy 500-1000 a week and these guys we buy from have much much more.

DM me.

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SoCal Trim 25/#

20K lbs Cat3 Trim in California

we can offer 100 lb a month let us know if you still need

13 to 1500 cat 3 10%+ nor cal
800 lbs super super super clean 12+ % Sacramento.