Looking for tried and true nutrient profiles for dtw coco

My cat cut it a little)) Thats no problem, they will be recoverā€¦ So my point is K blocked with Ca. Today i flip to this. 80-30-150-130-10-60ā€¦610 ppm

Needs more food. Start at 1000ppm base nutes and see how it likes it.

Iā€™d do 10ml A 10ml B of Base and 5ml calmag that should fall around 1000ppm

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This is wrong for that type sativa. Many good grovers go with 1/2 from the table. Did you grow that strains or you just typing? I am emdub27 fan and do the hybrids with 1000 ppm from start. Amazing info.

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Old school cat piss. Donā€™t need fertilizer let the cat hair foilar feed it.

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you such a talented grower )))

here is my previous run with Ethiopians clones.

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80-30-120-140-10-60 posted here just not working. new clones wanna die. Calcium is very agressive cation. emdub27 is overlooked here. Maybe he is never grow Ethiopian because he is focused on the hybrids mostly.

Just saying, heā€™s techniques not working for me.

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Honestly looks like a slight fe deficiency. I know these plants like an overall lower Ec, but I think you should at least bump up your No3 to 100/110 and see if that doesnā€™t take care of the overall yellowing. I think your K:Ca ratio is good but I would bump it up to 165 K/ 150/155 Ca. Remember this is all trial and error. Keep your notes and if my suggestions donā€™t improve anything, go back to a mix that did. By the way, what are your numbers for micros?

Hey Man! Thanks for input. The bigger plants from previous run was simply Hoagland solution diluted to 50%. There was:
WhatsApp Image 2023-12-24 at 14.32.46
500 ppm.

New small clones having 1st week after rooting this solution: 80-30-120-140-10-60 (B 0.22 FE 2.45 MN 1.1)ā€¦610 ppmā€¦ Then I flip K:Ca ratio to 80-30-150-130-10-60 (B 0.22 FE 2.45 MN 1.1)ā€¦610 ppm because that yelllow veins. I identify new yellow grow as a K and P block from the very high Ca (140). 140 blocked almost everything.

Man, maybe mix this with higher micros? What do you think. Ca EDTA adds 32 ppm to get 100ā€¦

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Is this more correct (version 2) with micros? Check up Cu, B, Fe, Mn, Znā€¦I will reduce B on the flower! Gonna do AB x 500 concentrateā€¦


I was going to say 140 Ca shouldnā€™t block anything but the Ca EDTA will definitely cause uptake issues with the other cations. Your best bet is to switch to Haifa Cal-Prime CaNo3, for the better Ca:No3 ratio. If that is not an option Ca Acetate will work much better for you than the EDTA.

Can I ask why your Mg is so low? Studies have shown that Cannabis likes a higher elemental ppm of Mg than most dicots. Iā€™d bump it up to at least 50. The same with your P. Iā€™m under LED so, I need at least 45 elemental ppm of P to combat purple stems/red petioles. I bump it up to 60 after about 25 days from flip. Thatā€™s a tip from emdub.

Is this a mix for just rooted clones? I usually just run my veg mix and test runoff. I do get you are growing African Sativas that are not supposed to like high nitrates/ high Ec in general. Maybe someone with more experience growing equatorial Sativas using salt based inputs can chime in?

stolen from Powder Feeding Long Floweringā€¦ Also my temp is 24 C.

P:Mg Ratio around 1:1. Never see red stems with this P and Mg levels. I am under the LED.

Oh sorry for the bad info then no I have never grown pure sativas just hybrids 9-10 weekers

My P:Mg ratio is 1:1.5. Not much different but then again, Iā€™m not growing equatorial Sativas so these things will vary.

Iā€™ll post my veg mix numbers in a bit.