Looking for THC flowers within EU

Hello Gang, I am looking for THC flowers and trimm within (!) EU from a licensed producer. If you are allowed to sell, please reach out and lets discuss the opportunity. If you hold an Export license somewhere please reach out too, we are allowed to import and distribute to around 2750 Stores. As we do like to start the Distribution asap it would be perfect if the product is already in EU. Best, Alexander

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Hey Alexander, I have some flowers available to export from South America, looking for some importers in Europe that can do it… Know anyone?

Soooo…are you asking for someone to break the law for you at large scale on a public site on a 5 year old thread that nobody responded to?

I’m not breaking any law here and not looking for someone to do it, we are legal producers of medical flowers in Paraguay and we are looking for buyers, what’s the problem with that? Now you’ve responded, so that’s cool that we are reactivating it after 5 years