Looking for someone to manufacture CBD gummies.

I’m looking for someone to manufacture gummies, I’ll supply all the needed material and you can charge me a flat rate per gummy/batch. Please PM me with details. Also interested in buying finished product at a good price.

I manufacture gummies. We can produce everything or work with your materials. Shoot me more details and maybe we can chat tomorrow?

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What type of gummy, pectin or gelatin? What kind of machinery are you using?

Sugar coat or wax?

@darkcitymolds makes some nice custom molds and has a few connects for unique gummy flavors

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I’m not using machinery I need someone who does and I’ll supply the needed ingredients or they can depending on prices. I’m a newb so please be patient with me. Right now any type is good.

Gelatin…Metered (heated) filling machine into trays. I usually do sugar coating.

Thanks I will PM you right now.

Thanks @shattertramp - Shot you a DM @danker. Happy to help with gummy manufacturing.

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send me some info @ Sales@GreenAcresOrganicPharms.com