Looking for a chiller to use on two baffle heat exchangers for recovery. Recover about 2lbs a min. Looking to trade equipment or product. In Oregon.
so… do you know how much heat you need to remove to achieve that?
Thanks for that. I did a calc a while back that was in the 20-25k BTU range and I walked away from that thinking I need a $8-12k chiller new. Been running ice water and dry ice coils. Looking for something better than an ice machine and am looking to trade for used equipment, so I am open to offers and what is out there.
Anyways, doing the calc real quick tells me I need a 7.9kW @ -40F chiller, if I want to recover at the speed I want to.
Welcome. Doing the math up front really helps. Throwing $$ or product at the problem and discovering you’re not even close sucks, and I’ve seen it done repeatedly. when you understand how much the math says you need, you can at least make informed choices about how much $$ to throw at the problem.