Looking For Real Estate or Rental Space

I’m currently looking for a space to work that is private and secure in the San Diego area I’ve been looking online but I’m not exactly sure how to look for a space or anything like that for what I do. I’m working to be as discreet about this as possible when it comes to the location, so only send me details directly about anything you might have if you do. I’m looking for a spot asap, so if I find anything that is worth my time and fits the bill of what I’m looking for, I’d be interested into securing the space asap. If you know anything that can be helpful please let me know. If you have any questions please contact me directly.


I’m interested in the same.

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There are two locations in Palm springs are…one 9000sf …other 11000…first 3 months free rent…then 3 months 2.50…3months 2.75…and after ongoing at 3$/SF…both come with cultivation manufacturing and transportation licences…which would be transferred to new tenant at around 50k (what is how much holder pay till now to city and state to obtain them)…