Looking for near pure anandamide

So up next synthes of anandamide
Who s done it?
What does it do ?
Should be weak psychoactive? Is it
Is it for sale in our space ?
Who s selling ?
Well lastly any tips for the synthesis ?


Practice with other functionalized large carbon ring stuff.

I had to do a lot of this when I was doing research at UMKC. Not this one specifically because we were looking for other functional molecules - but similar.

There’s a lot of ways to bring 2 or 3 different long chains like this together.

I ended up focusing on one half first, putting it on solid state resin and then attaching the other functional tails and cleaving it off the resin.

I’m mostly hearing about this regarding clinical trials for treatment of cannabis use disorder withdrawals, specific to the anxiety/depression from that treatment.

That’s what I’ve seen in the literature so far - and usually not as “let us synthesis this” but as “the substance that is missing when people are recovering from CUD”.

It interacts with the same CB1 receptors as some cannabinoids, you know? Which could make someone feel good. But it seems the jury is out on just how could one would feel. There have been clinical trials though, so you could get more specific info there if you wanted. This study has a lot of excellent references as well, if you are interested.

But seriously - everyone is talking about using it to help people NOT BE HIGH. Not for its own euphoric effects.