Looking for hemp oil

I need about half a kilo of good quality, winterized, and not dark hemp oil/crude.

Certified vendors only, please.



Want to explain what “not dark” means to us? I haven’t seen any ethanol extracted crude that wasn’t dark in color, especially if its been decarbed.

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Something that doesn’t look like this. If you are considering it as oil to look like this, please do not respond. I don’t want it.

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WhT is that ? Is that ethanol extracted crude oil?


Something. It was supposed to be 2 kilo. Lost 800g on dewax and however on decarb and its the worst smelling cbd I’ve ever experienced.

Let me ask someone I know.

Damn bummer :cry:

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Seriously. We’re going to see if we can put together a small 1l with gear we have laying around and run it just to get something halfway decent out of it.

It’s only 56%…

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Damn, that does look terrible. How thin is it? If I didn’t know better I’d say that was CO2 extracted crude cut with something else to thin it out. The crude my lab is producing doing cold ethanol extraction is a dark brown-black color after decarb and when cooled to room temp has the approximate viscosity of 90 wt gear oil.


It was definitely thinned out with alcohol.