Looking for hemp derived terpenes

Looking to source hemp derived terpenes, similar to TrueTerpenes only located in Canada. Received some samples that smelled very nice however due to idiotic regulations we are unable to ship them across the border so looking to source something that wouldn’t require customs agents. This post is clearly not posted in the right place, its my first time on a computer.

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Weirdest title I’ve ever seen for someone hunting terpenes. I’ll edit it.


Haha thank you, I think it somehow carried over from my last post!

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@MassTerpenes Could probably shine some light on this and have a recommendation or two


Where’s @PharmExOregon ?


Second that @PharmExOregon has had fire every time I’ve ordered.


Thanks guys! Fatdogcbd.com or send me a dm


Important part of post everyone missed


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Tru terpenes? When have they ever had REAL TERPS?

@Jarijuana I have a bunch of hemp terps these days. I give out lots free samples to companies. Send me a DM if you are interested and I’ll send them your way. If you like anything we have quite a bit to back the samples. Have a nice day!

Check out TRC-Canada no borders to cross. The rest of what I sell would need to go through customs. But I do business with Canada all day.

Just search Terpene


based on the pricing (per mg) those appear to be “reference standards”?!?

OP wants to add them to distillate and huff them….

Making up a GG4 profile using those seems just a smidge expensive for most…

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We make fresh CDT terpenes daily…DM for more info

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You send out samples?

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We can. Please let me know where to send.


Dm sent

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Hey there Jarijuana. We successfully ship from California to Canada. Our inventory is on our website or feel free to send a message to schedule a call to match the profiles you are looking for.