Looking for help purchasing a CLS

Title says it all. I have been doing incredible amounts of research recently and want some advice and help with purchasing my closed loop system. I see a few members here sell or assist in selling closed loop systems. Any help or replies is appreciated. I know roughly what my research is telling me to go with. (Some iteration of a 3-5lb system. As well as a CRC). But other knowledge is helpful.


Paging @Killa12345
Paging @Killa12345


I tried to send him a direct message because before making an account I read hundreds of messages and postings and saw how many others he helped and how he runs his own stainless company that sources these systems. But also saw that new accounts can’t direct message afterwards.

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@Krative has been very helpful.

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If you are running straight butane I dont see an much issue with many of the entry level Chinese made units. Most of the 50lb solvent tanks and collection pots I’ve seen leave something to be desired. Whether it’s a rack that angles the collection pot 3 degrees making a solvent reflux cleaning 1/10th as effective as when the pot is centered. Or a dent in the inner wall (solvent side) of the tank so it’s not round. Or the thin 304 that most of these OSS/Xtractor depot /etc (at least those are the more “generic” Chinese made systems I’ve used)

If you want to run a propane mixture or straight propane, I suggest spending the money on a 250psi approved, made in America system with the proper pressure relief valves. Propane can reach fairly high pressures and whether thats a Terpp, Iron Fist EX2/4, The MEP or 1300 from ETS, you want to use equipment with a wide safety margin so you can work safely and comfortably.

I personally love compression fittings, because I HATE leaks, pipe fittings and valves. Reconfuring systems, cleaning and retaping threads. However most low budget systems are going to have NPT fittings, you might want to spend a little more up front to get equipment that will be easier to modify and expand upon in the future.


He’ll chime in once hes on the forum.

Maybe I have to say his name 3x like beetlejuice?

I’d trust that guy to build me a cls if I was able to blast.

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Killa can do quick work for entry level systems, in fact he has many already made. For more advanced, customized systems please do hit me up!


The site has him so busy these days…

Heyyy Killa … You need some pusher Bois don’t you! We can pick up the sales while you busy hmmm. Any sellers percentage?


Pretty sure hes on vacation

oss was super helpful. i got bids from every one. couldnt figure out why id spend 3x as much for the same thing essentially. my first bids were like $85,000 lol. i ended getting every thing i actually need for under $10k. post processing equipment not included. this budget system has compression fittings and is rated for all hydrocarbon gasses. its pre engineered for legal states but you need to pay extra for the actual cert. which i did and still came in pretty cheap. good luck brother

@Killa12345 's store


I’ll vouch for @Killa12345, the system I got from him is very nice. I’ve done a few upgrades since I got it, he provides a great system to use as is, or build your ideal system from. On top of that you will get prompt service, extremely fast shipping, and great customer service. He’ll even point you to another place if he can’t meet your needs. He’s a 100% professional business man providing one hell of a service for our industry :v:


Killa is definitely great, but I think the system requested is a bit bigger than the ones I’ve seen that he is selling. The biggest on his site is a 1# system.