Looking for full spec winterized CBD distillate

I work for a lab in Oregon that converts about a 800 kg a week of CBD distillate full spec winterized. We are needing a producer to fill the gaps in our supply. Preferably 75% or better.


We have 500 liters of cbd crude in medford oregon. Ethanol extracted, degummed, winterized and decarbed.

Let me know if that helps.

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It may very well. What is the percentage at and what’s your price point?

You can reach me directly or through WhatsApp at 503-330-6531

So far I haven’t found supplier. If the numbers work for everyone at 160 a kilo, this is an order we need filled on a regular basis to keep our D8 contracts happy. You can reach me directly or on WhatsApp at 503-330-6531.