**Looking for extraction talent in CA** Are you looking for a HUGE opportunity? (1.8M SQ FT facility)

I was a supervisor of construction & consultation advisor for a facility in lower ca that cultivates for over 30+ manufactures, they also have about 30+ cultivators in the facility. Shower in shower out, have set rules for entering room by room, & make sure you don’t take in any infested plants you should be randy as long as you have a good program. If not then there’s always the dm button for those who can’t seem to fix their problems & search for a guy like me who can!:metal:t3::stuck_out_tongue:


I have talked to 4 maybe 5 big shot guys just like this claiming all the same shit in the last six months. I have even been to the locations and had meetings at these huge warehouses under construction. I have compiled complete equipment lists with costs of everything needed to start operating immediately. As of yet not a single one is even close to operating, not saying they won’t be someday but I have seen it and heard it enough times to know that first and foremost these guys are full of shit and will most likely back out before finishing. Or they are just fishing for more info, they already have who they are going to bring in but they keep inviting more and more people to the party to pick there brains so to speak so they can learn what they can with no intent to bring on anyone that isn’t in there tight nit circle


I understand what you mean but that is specifically what I was told… I’m trying to relay the whole scope and be completely transparent. I’m not hyping it up saying “let’s get it, whoever signs up is an instant millionaire”.

I wanted to use the exact verbiage I was told so we can rip it apart like this


You may be exactly right. I put off posting anything about it for a few weeks but he keeps calling me and talking for 30+ mins about how this will be in history books and telling it’s just an opportunity type shit. I wanted to hear what others thought and if there really would be interest

I’m glad to hear your perspective on it,


Yeah I understand that for sure. I love this community.

I explained to him that not everyone will want to pay back the loan, rent & % of sales. All he said is there are many people that would love to walk in with no money down and get to work.

He is right but I know what you mean. I kept pushing for more info and he can not get anything… that made me quite a bit leery.


I’m going to get back in touch with him soon and let him know the reality of it. Without more details and a better image, it looks like big talk


These people are REALLY good at hyping and pushing and selling ideas to people- that is how they got to where they are- selling fantasies… now whether or not those fantasies paid off to the people who bought them?

Background checks, background checks, research research.

The guy who had the exact same attitude and pitch turned out to have been formerly convicted of Medicare fraud.

4 million dollars worth of Medicare fraud.

Be super, super super super weary dude.

These guys are sharks, you’re the fish.


The way he describes it out sounds pretty great. Cultivators, extractors, manufactures the whole nine yards in the same 1.8m sq ft. producing any type of product.

That’s what I was wondering also. From my experience in real estate I’m asking all the questions around the situation and came to this from what he ‘could’ answer;

Its a lease between the extractor and their company who owns the building. They are getting a loan for the equipment that they would pay on & the tenant would start to pay back to them, once their business began to cashflow. I believe a % of sales is also included.


What are the terms of the loan.

Also f the percent of sales, that’s a joke right? For a warehouse and a loan? For how long?


That’s a great point, it’s like don’t keep all your eggs in one basket (building) haha.

I believe it will be the same facility but broken into multiple individual cultivation businesses. Still doesn’t save anything if it burns down though

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That’s a massive facility!

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Ahh thats super shady but makes sense. Sorry those mf’s made you waste your time and energy doing all the ground work to just spin your wheels.

This is exactly what I was afraid of, but I kept asking if it was built and really going to close because I can not put the word out to get the ball rolling, on anything if it’s just a pipe dream.

I have a lot to bring to him and I’ll be sure to update here when we touch base. Thanks for sharing that’s not a joke

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Oh it’s ridiculously large. Just one building has over just one building has over 20,000 square ft of canopy space. They’ll have 2 more just like it. Lab facility on site.


Wow that is wild.

Thank you bro, you are right they are extremely good at what they do. I will always keep my guard up for myself and everyone in our community.

I tried to get as much info as I could and research but nothing until the close is what I was told.

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I wasn’t told any details of the term because it’s case by case and has not closed yet.

I was trying to ask the questions like ‘what will the tenant be signing up for’, ‘how much is the % of sales’, ‘what % payback are you requiring’, etc

It’s not a warehouse, apparently it’s a pretty unique building. It will be a turn key lab built to each individuals specs with anything they would need.

I’m relaying what I was told over the past couple weeks. I told him I need as much info as possible many times

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Bruh they are 100% bullshitting you. Take the free meals, make em pay for everything, and tell them nothing of substance


What do you think they are trying to get out of me?

I told him I wouldn’t connect anyone without more information for them and something on paper between us.


The second someone tries you with the MILLIONS script, they just gave you license to gold dig. They aren’t serious and neither should you be.


Fair enough. Thanks man

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They know you are tapped in with the talent, maybe it’s a legit deal and they just have no clue where to start. But with a 150m loan they can afford make you sign some non disclosure and bring you all the way in.

There should be transparency before you invest more of your time and resources.