Phoenix cannabis lab looking for experienced techs to make extracts and oil. Complete ethanol lab with Ethos machine and whip film.
Must know how to operate machines and finish process.
Our pay is competitive
We have accommodations and transportation
Please PM me for more details
Like a short bus, but for your techs?
nah bro, lambos and ferraris only
@thumper is the only guy that picks up dry ice in a lambo…
Just FYI
i use a tesla truck now, lambos are so 2019
Damn, shlepping it home in the back of the pickup truck seems lame now…
to sidco= they lured me off topic bringing my name in. dont ban me over this.
For what there trying to charge for dry ice here there gonna have a few lambos in the parking lot soon enough.
Thank God my good life gang discount brought the total to 550 instead of 600. Totally worth it brah
Picked up dry ice a month ago in my suv and forgot I picked it up
Almost passed out
I was like wow Amature moment
Saving that dough I see!
guessing you’re not in Phoenix OR… but you might want to be explicit about your location
We are in North phoenix
You are welcome to look at my past post where I met extractors in person from future4200 and they left great review about
Anybody here who knows how to use ethos 4 machine
I fly you down and pay you well
Pm with your number let’s talk asap