Looking for D9 Distillate

The real drug dealer is you doctor where you get your Viagra from (I can tell your old as hell) anyway what’s the difference Hypothetically speaking I sell Weed you sell Weed what make you better than me? , mate honestly if it wasn’t for the dealers back in the day where would you get you supply, I am not taking heroin here for god sake. Drug dealer?

Well back in the day you actually got your herbs from an herbalist- this was before Rockafeller lobbied the medical schools to destroy all evidence of plant based medicine when he had decided to invest in petroleum based pharmacy.

The concept of a drug dealer is a modern one, people have been using plants as medicine since the dawn of time


He is better than you here because he knows more than you and has more industry experience- which is the only thing that matters on an information sharing forum

Read the rules next time bb



what price range would I be looking at for that Hemp derived D9 for a liter?

I would search the site for hemp derived d9 vendors and contact them directly

Another good place to look is reddit! Tons of solid vendors there. A lot of the guys on this site are sketchy dudes- who knows with the price of oil in cali so low some folks might be trying to pass off their traditional liters as hemp derived and slanging em via the regular old post office

How convoluted is this?


They’re always listening…


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Fixed it.

Avoid reddit. Avoid sourcing illegal stuff in general. If you’re scared go to church.

It’s the opposite going on as hemp has caused prices of liters to drop due to converted liters being pushed on the traditional side for its cheapness. People would probably be losing money off what you said.


I’ve been trialed, certified, incarcerated and labeled as a drug dealer by the feds and now that label does not “sting” much anymore.
When you sell as much as millions of dollars in drugs they call you a drug dealer and when they catch you they send you to prison but when you sell billions they call a pharmaceutical company and when they catch you knowingly not caring about people and focusing on profits they just give you a fine… Just ask the Sacklers family from Purdue Pharma they’ll tell you.


Damn did this dude use the The N word

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