Looking for CBG for opiate withdrawal

Hello friends,

I have a close friend/business associate who’s father has been prescribed gobs of poisonous opiates for almost 10 years now for his chronic back pain. He was a machinist and union worker his whole life. His quality of life is starting to quickly deteriorate, and has recently been hospitalized.

My friend came to me yesterday to talk about making a formulation of cannabinoids to help with a detox/ween/withdrawal. Our “patient” has had bad mental reactions to THC before, and doesn’t want to be stoned all the time. My friend told me he read somewhere that CBG can act as a cannabinoid blocker to THC. Our plan was to get some CBG isolate or distillate, and mix it with THC/full-spectrum in different ratios. We are hoping to get him the positive effects of the full entourage without giving him the paranoia and anxiety he has experienced with THC in the past.

Does anyone have experience/info regarding our plan?

Does anyone have a small amount of CBG they may want to donate to our cause?

Thank you for reading!