Looking for barrels of CONVERTED mother liquor/distillate

Any CONVERSION factories have a couple barrels full of CONVERTED ML/distillate around 70ish% total thc (d8/d9)? Looking to pay $35-40/kg on multiple barrels.

Do you mean mother or converted mother liquor…

Converted Mother Liquor/Distillate

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The ad states converted mother liquor

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And that’s confusing because natural mother liquor is naturally high in d9. A conversion wouldn’t have anything to crash out and leave behind a mother liquor


Yes, you are correct natural mother liquor has anywhere from 1-35% THC. However, nowhere in the ad does it state I’m looking for natural ML. I’m asking for a ML that has gone through a conversion process in a reactor and converted the remaining cbd to d8/d9.

We have inventory. See attached. Shoot me an email:

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You sold the 3 barrels I was interested in and told me you don’t have anymore of them.

correct - we dont have any more of the d8 barrels

If you have another 5 of the d8 barrels laying around let me know.



Bump it

aka chemical soup full of mystery madness.

Sounds like a terrible thing to want to put out in the market.


In my personal opinion, I think all converted oil is chemical soup and should be trashed, even “properly made” d8/hd9/etc and crc bho ran with acidic media (ie T41/P6000). Unfortunately, my personal opinion does not matter to the market.


Still looking for cheap converted d8/d9 made from distillate or mother liquor


Have you looked at Octaves?