Iam looking for all active altnoids that are in isolate form not disty. Not Thca hhcA
Is the only ones i know so far so all help is much appreciated
Best regards
Iam looking for all active altnoids that are in isolate form not disty. Not Thca hhcA
Is the only ones i know so far so all help is much appreciated
Best regards
There are tons of vendors online, but be warned: a vast majority of altnoids are minimally purified or not purified at all. You’ll be getting an “isomer soup” instead of a pure product. No one wants to spend the money on preparative HPLC these days…
Yeah I know a lot of bunk vendors that’s why I try to look here also as the majority of all noids comes from the us , Iam looking for vendor on 10-oh and other alt noids that are in isolate form
I try to avoid eu vendors as they order from us or are super sketchy and quality of products are insanely different
I see a lot of fake brand name Alts now days like
Even “the most reputable” vendors of altnoids don’t bother with purification and fake COA’s all the time. Isolate or not, if you run the products on hplc in a reference lab, you’ll see a chromatogram resembling the swiss alps.
@eyeworm can help you with all your OH needs
That means they’ll get me high right?
We have a ton of 10-OH-HHC Distillate in inventory. It could be crystallized, but we tend not to since our typical buyers prefer the lower cost of the distillate. On any number of occasions we’ve had clients request isolate, and when we run the crystallization and its time for them to pay for it they suddenly back out or need less than they asked for initially - so if you did need isolate, it would be the case that it would have to be paid for up front so that I don’t waste time/money crystallizing something that might never get sold otherwise. I believe I have something like 300g in inventory if you wanted it, otherwise the MOQ would be something like 5kg.
Fwiw, we’ve been making 10-OH-HHC for like 18 months - recently there have been some labs attempting to replicate our work in the EU. Generally speaking, the guys who just started producing it simply have less know-how about how to make it right - so I reckon my group has the highest available quality of hydroxy HHC on the market.