Looking for a place to work. 4-ACO-DMT from tryptophan

Tbh after reading that twice im still not certain what you’re trying to imply. I think your tank ran dry bud. Best to get some sleep and hopefully re-up on the pithy retorts.


I was just seeking education from a self-proclaimed educator. If you felt my words had any support for the OP or attitude, allow me to retort: You’re wrong. @ennui

I too remember the days of your posts with KOTK and your insights being very much appreciated. I just don’t see why you would have bothered to join in / or talk bad upon someone clearly at your level when it comes to end product results.

I would reach out and offer support if I was as talented as either of you, vs critique and try and establish your origin story after someone else mentioned they’re who helped make most all D8 mass produced.

It comes off like you took offense and are now being lame because you recognize his contributions have maybe been greater reaching than your own. While he’s obviously going through (life) and it’s many hurdles. Might I recommend being the bigger person and reaching out and establishing you can speak the same science lingo.



  • why would you synthesize acetophenone from acetic anhydride? Just buy it. Sounds like a manic idea from someone that has a bunch of acetic anhydride left over from making THCo.

  • why would you make methyamine? You need dimethylamine if your making 4-aco-dmt via Anthony-speeter. But he seems to be trying to start from tryptamine made from tryptophan, not 4-aco-indole.

If this guys understanding of cbd>d8 conversions is anything like his understanding of tryptamine chemistry IDK how useful any information shared by him would be / was.

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You must clearly be missing some history.


Maybe a course on Cannabiz history would aid your understanding in a post you joined asking who the OG is.

Anyone who bad mouths those before them, who have provided many here with success… will meet history.


Truly a bizarre claim…my group was doing d9>d8 and CBD>d8 with sulfonic acids in like 2017 - and I doubt we were the only ones playing with the idea. Not to mention, there are sulfuric acid methods for isomerizing/cyclizing this stuff from like…the 60s? Maybe earlier, even.


And yet the 2010s+ truly let the cat out of the bag. Nice gatekeeping i guess? Are you proud of not sharing education for decades? If you’d like to be remembered as the guy who did it and didn’t share it, by all means… Take the Mantle

I don’t know what’s more bizzarre… Being jealous and trash talking at the same time looks to take the cake.


The US government was doing it with toluene around then if I’m correct


glowienke2005.pdf (430.2 KB)

Sulfonic acid esters are considered as potentially alkylating agents that may exert genotoxic effects in bacterial and mammalian cell systems. One possible source of human exposure stems from drug synthesis when the salt-forming agents methanesulfonic acid, benzenesulfonic acid or p-toluenesulfonic acid are used together with alcoholic solvents such as methanol, ethanol and propanol.


Hamas probably stole that dual stage KD6 too. @Cannachem


Frankly, I don’t sit around giving a shit if I’m remembered for chemistry - and yet, somehow I probably will be.

Jealously here is laughable. One of two things are happening(or perhaps both), you are OP anonymously defending yourself because no one else will on the account you made 6 hours ago OR you’re fanboying over some guy who fancies himself a pioneer because they maybe mixed CBD with a sulfonic acid.

But also, you seem to have a deep misunderstanding of what intellectual property is and how it is for normal people who work on research teams funded by the people who keep their researchers bills paid. If you want to spend millions on developing cutting edge chemical technology, and then give it away - go right ahead.


Probably benzene or hexane of carbon-fuggin-tet. But yes. I dunno if anyone else read this one early on, but they straight up describe isomerizing with sulfonic acids in 1974.


The company I worked for accidentally ‘rediscovered’ d8 conversion as an unwanted peak in internal labs following carbon filtration back in 2018 or 2019.

But why is everyone eager to fight for the ‘king of converted Schwag’ title anyway?

It’s like the cannaboies think they discovered chemistry.


LFMOA you "discovered " delta 8 by improperly using filtartion medaia - you denefiently shouold leave the chmestry to the “chemists” lol

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Drunk this early?


Luckily I have a few degrees.

Oh, and sorry you don’t realize carbon particles can catalyze the conversion you know everything about.


carbone particles LMFAO isnt that carbon activated with those thinhgs…you noes those thinhgs calls luis assids :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl:

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you ae corrdct the carbon aint cateyesing nethings

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Actually almost out of business but still alive through my network.

Appreciate your support.

Definitely know I’m doing something right when there’s so many haters :joy:

Was a reactor with 5L methanol and oxygen that ran 12 hours just perfectly fine prior to exploding at the exact same moment Hamas commenced its 7 October 2023 offensive. The timing is a fact. I love the coincidence… Jesus jokes anyone?

5L of methanol destroyed the building. Never knew the power of alcohol… I also still have the original clothes unwashed and the clothes I wore to the hospital ended up washed immediately… so many coincidences :thinking::man_shrugging:

Anyways back to business instead of whining…

Quite sure this can be pulled off… looking for partners to run it for a year then do a full step by step SOP with photos, temps, times, COAs. Will teach people how to prepare compounds for animation, processes for hydroxylation, acetylation

Anyone else have any plans for making the world a better place?


You’re gonna keep whoever runs the @likesretardedposts account very busy. You “never knew the power of alcohol” but were playing with 5 litres of methanol?