Looking for a place to work. 4-ACO-DMT from tryptophan

In all seriousness tho, have the feds always been this obvious? No wonder they cant arrest anyone worth a damn. Have you guys seen nancy pelosis trades lately?

There were a lot of other politicians that bought more stocks of ratheon and such before they signed a defense bill funding them days later. Good news is, its public information! No hunting needing.


Can we turn this into a productive posts of where “police resources” (my damn tax dollars) are better used? Tag steven :rofl:


I think i just heard “shoot the moon” from a zipper on the side of a van.


The feds have a real love of using mentally ill / meth addicted informants


I want to be played by Bobby Lee.


Okay aside from literally everything else about this post, isn’t the core proposal just drug manufacturing, not covered remotely by any of the various states exemptions on naturally derived psychedelics?


bro this is GLGc certified - cmon man


Hamas stole my 2FDCK! It’s like a Weekly World News headline.


Damn starting to look like the starts to a long script/program(bot). We got narc bots that post propaganda before gta 6 :sweat_smile:

thats whqat a flat eartherv would say lol

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This is the level of entertainment only future4200 can supply.

The only thing missing for my bingo card is a COVID vaccine tie-in.


Sometimes to get the magic potion you need to call upon a crazy magician.

A lot of you wouldn’t even understand Delta 8 thc conversions without this mad man.

That said, Holy shit this is wild.

What’s crazier: So many don’t realize they wouldn’t be here without him.


If you ask me, OP is WAAAAAAYY off base.

You can’t explode ketamine precursors with microwave energy.

You need a Jewish space laser for that shit.


It just so happens my lasers are Kosher.

You all know this is one of the God Fathers in the space of THC Synthetics and known for sharing the education widely known here today. Right?

Not to knock the man down, but who else here has survived a Blast in a lab? I can only name those who didn’t RIP. This man is a living legend, no doubt I’d expect a few screws loose.


His SOP formed alkylating agents which were left in the product. Where this industry would be without that crap? In a much better place…


You act like the first SOP should be coveted compared to the tried and true sops after much repetition.

I am simply stating, which came first your sop or his? @Ennui and especially shared to all… I can pull back pre-covid and memba who provided amongst all here and was learned from first. You’re only judging history at this point. The Past.

This guy is still globetrotting and it amazes me.


Mine. Lol i don’t recall his being shared for everyone. As memory serves it wasn’t open sourced until after the failed attempt to market it which led to many of us pointing out the inherent dangers of using alcohols as the solvent with acids like ptsa.

Tbh if anyone on here was due the credit you’re giving Steven it is Photon Noir…


I would think nobody here is the tried and true origin outside the patent holders lol. @ennui We can all recall legends who put it on paper. This is definitely one of the origin sources of the mass D8 growth we witnessed the past 5+ years. Where’s your free or leaked sop?

This really isn’t something to measure dicks about, we all can go for more learning. But to dismiss someone’s known history as if you do know? is kind of comical.

This guy is clearly still in business. Opinions aside.

If anything, I wouldn’t want the comparison.


You don’t have to be a chemist to do chemistry.

But it sure helps when it comes to not killing your custies.


Where is my leaked triisobutylaluminium SOP? Did you just crawl out from under a rock?

It’s called HD9 and it’s sold all over this forum. If it wasn’t created with BF3, or Aluminum Chloride, then best believe triisobutylaluminium was involved…you’re welcome brother.

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Better question: Who ruined your sop game to make you wake up and reply to this? @Ennui

Have you been compensated for the release of your private science education materials?