Looking for a grinder that is able to do 400-500 pounds per hour.
Try using a leaf mulcher. I think there’s other threads on there that talk about something like that.
Have you tried the High Tech Shredder?
This guy can do 200lbs an hour - they take up very little space. I’ve got two in my shop and one guy runs them. That’s 400lbs an hour with one dude and two machines. They have a new sifter too, if you want to go right into a bag instead, of dumping onto a tray.
I’ve also used bale breakers - this was when I was doing way more than 500lbs per hour though. Those things are loud but they rip through material as fast as you can feed it in. You work with them on the particle size you are looking for and voila - things are munched down to bits.
First one I used for breaking down alfalfa bales to make into pellets. Translated nicely to the hemp side of things.
Thank you for your input. It will be used for large scale hemp
Hippo hammermills is what you are looking for. Install a variable controler.