Looking for a few more extractors for split deals! [SoCal]

Located in Torrey Pines. At the moment I am currently scanning for a few more labs that are interested in consistent toll split deals 50/50 after distro. I can guarantee a steady supply as long as you can guarantee me cash flow.

I start small to get an idea of pace on return. Message me if you would like to build long term with me. I am also open to investing in new equipment to make the progress farther down the line.


hey im in LA and im running two 20L lab society short path. im interested in doing splits

Deleted this comment.

Good day all. Being new here and to the industry I’m full of questions.
Im in the hydrocarbon recovery business, distillation practices I’m familiar
as well as process design. I was asked to view a harvest and field process
last week of auto flower. Unreal would be an understatement. Butanol mixed
with fresh biomass then screw pressed. Nope and Nope in my view. Does
anyone have contacts with a mobile processor in SoCal. My associates have
the mechanical harvesting nailed down but are in obvious need

What capacity do you need handled

next harvest roughly million lbs


As I’m new to this process, could it be dried for storage for later processing off site

silly goose, you know whats up!

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Oh hahaha, I always forget your username


I’m putting a lab in either So Cal or Las Vegas very soon. Let’s connect on this.

Contact me at info@cbdfarmsolutionsllc.com. Located in IL. SCO2

Where in SoCal are you? Interested to learn more about your mechanical harvesting capabilities. Anything near San Diego I could come see and chat about?



I’m locked out of this forum for a bit longer I guess, would like to discuss more or call me 208-860-5657

Is this for THC or CBD?

1 million pounds of illegal cannabis? damn

Labyrinth does mobile hemp processing

I may be interested. I have a 150L centrifuge im trying to sell if it doesn’t sell soon im going to fire it up!

Let me know!

You happen know of anyone trying to buy one? Can you give me some more details on your project? I may be able to help either way.

What safe you doing your fuge for?