Looking for 2k of 80-85% d8 distillate

Hello everyone,
Im looking for some cheaper lower potency distillate to try out some edible runs with. Please dm me


Try these guys

@7leaf @Tre_HoneyGold

Fern Valley Farms hands down has the best prices for D8 liters.
Support your small family owned shops before all these corporate boys send the market straight to hell lol


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Why would you want cheap delta 8 distillate? The clean stuff that’s high potency is already affordable


It’s above his potency requirements & much better quality than commercial dog water. I’ve paid $200 more per liter for trash. From numerous places between CA & OR ($600)

Every kg I’ve tested lately either has pesticide, terrible dye jobs or crazy CBN numbers. Half the COA’s you see these days are all lies, even from legal labs LOL.

That’s why I support small business. Better quality. Better service. They actually work & love what they do.

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Im guessing you think his d8 is compliant too?

Just based on the test results I wouldnt buy that d8.

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Wtf is “a terrible dye job”…

If you think the products are that much more superior though, tell them to get verified to sell here, the community could always use another source of good distillate if that’s indeed the case


By terrible I mean absolutely awful dye jobs, or too much silicate when polishing.

I’ve seen it with HHC/D8/D9 you name it, there’s a lot of remediated and “clear” going around that will turn an abnormal hue of pink/purple/blue.
Same with amber distillate, oxidizes and turns brown.
Most people don’t care because they’re in an extractor/broker position, but the end user gets screwed if they’re doing anything vape/syringe related.

Can’t have oxidation/discoloration like that occurring, it’s okay to see an even acidic or CBD degradation but not a random mess of dyes.
Idk why, but it’s going around bad.

Good idea tho, I’ll shoot them an email tonight.
They would do well here.

Thank you @Tom,

Yes I have some excellent oil. Let me know, and ill send a price sheet

Why not post a current price sheet here?
Anyone could be interested.

If the title is right I think he wants D8 btw, regular hemp, not converted hemp lol

How did you pull every bit of CBD &CBN out of that juice tho :eyes:

ah yes, the small family farm selling year old ground up trim sprayed with HHC, let’s support those wonderful folks who are doing the lords work definitely a step above the “dog water” sellers around here. good call!


I think you should do some more reading B4 recommending anything. You seem confused about quite a bit here…


@ky_cbd Lol yup. Re-read that. Opps :man_shrugging:, well I have d8 too.

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…and what makes you believe there are dyes involved? got any data to back the assertion up?


Not actually that hard to consume all the CBD. CBN can be prevented by sparging with argon and not hammering it during the RXN.