Looking for 20k lbs of Hemp Flower (Untrimmed)

I have a buyer who purchases 20k+ lbs of unshucked untrimmed flower per month. He is looking for an alternative supplier. If anyone can help me fulfill this order please send me a DM. Thank you.

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Removed Referral

Until verified

Removed Referral

Until verified

If these kind of referrals are not permitted, please let me know and I will remove them.

If you are not a verified hemp slanger you can’t sell or even refer on public threads, take it to the DM


gotcha, they will be removed now. Thanks man

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No worries! I honestly don’t mind at all but most members do and your comments will end up flagged and just clogging the thread.


@TheTerpeneLord hit up @El_Z

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We can’t do the full amount with what we have, but we can cover some of it. Shot you a DM

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