Looking for 100+ lbs of Indoor Hemp flower

I am verified I just don’t use it as my tag b.c. Im not actively selling things here :person_shrugging:


Picture Document.docx (2.2 MB)
Cobbler testing.pdf (44.1 KB) sauce testing.pdf (44.1 KB) AB testing.pdf (44.1 KB) PM5 x TK testing.pdf (44.2 KB) Uno x TK testing.pdf (44.2 KB) Mesa Cherry testing.pdf (44.2 KB) Chardonnay testing.pdf (44.2 KB) ABxTK testing.pdf (44.1 KB) sweet grass testing.pdf (44.3 KB) Terp town testing.pdf (44.2 KB)


Yes that is correct $200 lb for indoor hemp. We are smoking on some quality hemp flower that’s what. We planted it indoor, grew it indoor, and harvested it indoor, again yes that’s what we consider indoor. The pictures and COAs are located in the attached files above. And actually we are just liquidating a lot of our inventory to make room for the new. So yes $200 lb is a great price. Thanks for all the questions man!


Pictures doesn’t look bad but doesn’t look anything like what @AppalachianExtracts is growing indoor. You were able tu get all of this tested on the same day in October and you still have flower from then? Nothing fresh? How many lbs are you sitting on?
I’m sure if you can put a SOP together for your growing method to be able to make a profit at $200 lb indoor grown hemp you will be more profitable with that than growing. Good luck on your flower sales.

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