Looking for 1-2 technicians and 1 shift lead for cbd extraction lab in Florida

I’m certainly down to move back to Florida, sent you a message and my resume!


Fishing and sunshine. Flip flops in January. Downside is the July and August heat indexes of 110 and seemingly 200% humidity that gives that all too familiar back sweat patch. No need for lotion or chapstick down here but swamp ass is king.


I’m really interested in your position. How can I contact you?



200% humidity is right. People who have only been to Florida once still tell me about what it felt like to walk out the doors of mco (Orlando airport) and get hit in the face by that curtain of water that we call air here. Lmao


Thanks boss :heart:


After seeing so many posts looking for employees get ripped to shreds I’m always hesitant to post on here, wary of what kind of response I’ll get Hahahaha


I’ve always got your back! Bring the haters! Haha

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I’m looking for work. I reside in Orlando suburbs.

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See your new welcome
Direct message @Siosis
He ll get back to you


Washington doesn’t have state income tax…


Washington is cold AF! but personally i would rather take $15 an hour in Washington and work with THC then $15 an hour in FL and work with CBD. Personal preference only of course.

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While I was in India, I saw no shortage of down jackets and fuzzy earmuffs every morning when it was nearly 80 degrees outside. Babies were literally dressed like the kid from A Christmas Story. Warmth is relative, and the human body adapts. All it takes is time.

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They expect a half oz to last a month? Lmfao


Man I posted a co manager position at 70k/year and got tore up for trying to “underpay” :joy: . Some people just don’t get it haha. This seems like a great position good luck finding candidate’s. Anyone who fits either description but is looking on the left coast feel free to pm me. Probably need more untrained/slightly trained for now I think we found a good co manager candidate

70k is underpaying. I made that starting as lead lab tech. Over 100k at the end when i oversaw everything (aka co manager)

I bought bitcoin for $500 once. Now I’ll never pay more than $500 again cause that would be overpaying…

I paid an illegal to trim my plants so im going to pay my extractors the same wage is more like it


I wish you nothing but success in your endeavors

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Lol. It is cold and I can layer up to stay warm… I can only shed so many layers of clothes in the south

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I feel like there’s lots of entitlement in the industry because people are used to that trap money, regardless of their skill set
My entitled ass included I can’t stand sitting at a job for 10 hours to make less than $200