Local prices for shatter?

300-400 per oz in Ri for shatter, badder and crumble


double in Massachusetts

Shouldnā€™t be quite that high, I know some guys on the east coast I may be able to connect you with.

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We donā€™t want any of your salesmen bull shit. Get outta here


Its must be spam-aturday today here on future.


Been awhile Redman!


About Half in Massachusetts lol


All depends on who you knowā€¦


For how much flower

I heard 1700 a lbs the other day. Iā€™m lucky if I can get 2000-2200. I can get 7 a gram for a pound if I jar it up for em and front it. Id rather sit on a bunch of it then keep dropping the price and keep fucking the market. It was 3000 last year wtf.
I am in Humboldt though.


Yup thatā€™s the number Iā€™m seeing a lot now. Sucks whatā€™s happening to the market

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I hear that prices have gone back up on flower this year because of the fires so its wierd yall got it so cheap but then again it is Humboldt the cheapest place to find the dank

I thought we were talking shatter?

The two have a correlation


Flower prices are up this year. And yeah trim prices are way up then last year, IMO. We lucky this farm didnā€™t burn. The fires were only 15 miles from us. We got lucky. A lot didnā€™t and many farms were lost. Ruth lake area got hit hard with some of the best cannabis farms in the country lost.
But I heard some spots are already back to growing. People in this industry have a canā€™t stop wonā€™t stop attitude, canā€™t stop the good.


I heard they getting mad duckets in Europe for Cali gear. Why are we not all chipping in for a big ass sail boat. Iā€™m a pretty good cook.


8-12 K in amsterdam

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Thatā€™s insane! So there Iā€™d be sitting on 80 to 120k there compared to here Iā€™m just setting on at current prices in Eureka 20 grand! Thatā€™s fucking crazy! I donā€™t understand, is gas expensive? Is trim very expensive? And is that a pound or kilo? Is that American dollar or euro?

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Iā€™m is pretty expensive from what Iā€™ve seen. itā€™s mostly repackaged boof that they are paying stupid money for. I see the jungle boyz shit going for 3x the non branded stuff. And itā€™s most likely fake lol. They do pay stupid money for the little sleeves with bho or for some sauce and diamonds.