Live Updated Vender List for Sourcing Extraction and Post Process Equip, Consumables and more

Searched and didn’t find anything like this (other than a few very specific threads like “who do you like for PPE” etc… or specific category lists (like WFE only)) but it’s always a hassle trying to keep track of all the venders/manufacturers and their sites. Google searches are great but you gotta dig through a lot of drek to find stuff sometimes. Wasn’t sure if this should be cannabusiness or extraction but…yeah. it’s here now I guess. Feel free to move it if you think it should live somewhere else.

So I made a thing! Put together a google sheets list of manufacturers and resellers organized by category. The extraction/lab equip tab is pretty fleshed out, the other tabs are still a WIP but I’ll get 'em built up, probably over the weekend as I have some more time.
There are separate tabs for equipment, packaging suppliers, terpene sources, and Solvent Suppliers. I’ve got names, links to sites, location, a very wip rating tab, notes on the vender if I have 'em, and my own opinions (take 'em for what they’re worth).

Anyway, thought this might be helpful to the community. If I missed anyone (and I am 100% sure I did) msg or reply and I’ll add it on there. If anyone w/ the forum (@Future @sidco ?) would be so kind as to get me the updated list of companies offering a GLG discount I’ll update that as well.

Would love any suggestions or ideas as well to make this more useful for everyone!

Link to the Drive Sheet (Read Only, Sorry didn’t want anyone messing it up)


anion usa
glacier tank
iron fist
open source steel
the extractory
viking lab
quality stainless parts
extractor solutions

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I’ve been working on something similar, not very well fleshed out quite yet


You care if I raid what you have and fill out some more on mine?

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Only if I can do the same with yours lol


Go nuts bud! That’s what it’s here for. :+1:


Hey PDX, did you figure out which of the 3 orings listsed on yours was the right one for those swage qc rebuilds or all of 'em? Was gonna order some and try it.

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You sir are both a gentleman and a scholar. Sending you a (virtual) beer.

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