This years distillation of essential oil from live, terpene rich hemp turned out beautifully. Hit me up if you are interested. I appreciate y’all!
Not sure how to rotate images… but hopefully you get the idea. Wish we had smellavision…
I can attest your terpenes from last season were really great. No hemp-grass smell and crisp flavor. Especially loved the Hawaiian Haze. Really smooth and the Hawaiian Haze tastes like Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum. About to order more from this season right now.
Edited your pictures for you so they’re all upright
What strains did you run @OctoArm ?
Thanks for reaching out! Word on these Live Terps is that they are distilled live, fresh out of the field within a few hours of harvest. Genetics were 95% sourced from Oregon CBD Seeds and grown in 2021 on a certified organic farm outside of Eugene, OR. They have undergone and passed full compliance testing - potency, pesticides, residual solvents, and terpenes. We have 8 varietals; Lifter, Elektra, Suver Haze, Sour Elektra, Sour Hawaiian Haze, Sour Space Candy, Super Sour Space Candy and Sour Special Sauce. There are between two and six liters of terpenes from each varietal. The sour varietals are terpinolene / myrcene dominant, and the other varietals are myrcene dominant. Each one has a distinct floral aroma that have received much praise :). I am curious as to what motivates your interest in terpenes? Please let me know if you are interested in more info. Be Well! @YouHighBro