Live Streaming Video on the Forum

@Sidco_Cat mentioned I should bring this up with you @sidco so that we can stream the panel discussions at the GLG event on Tuesday.

What would be the best approach?


OBS to youtube, back it up on vimeo or some other platform that’s not as restrictive(and privately)


She made it sound like there might be a more direct route, could be wrong though

Self hosted streaming is doable, but why destroy your resources when platforms built to handle it offer the service.

I agree OBS is a great tool to setup. You can embed youtube potentially here.


I think it can be configured to stream to most anything :man_shrugging:

My paid server let me stream and have 3 people video conference for a solid hour no issues, but more I’m sure would pound it. Using completely open source tools.


OBS (Or any program/app that can ‘stream RTSP’). I have an server that can handle ~200 viewers with 1 streamer. The video can be saved, and even recast to something like youtube as mentioned. How many viewers are we thinking might show?

I just give you a key, and a url to stream to and you push start. I would put it up on or similar.


Wahlah do that.

When it exceeds 200 you can go from there…


I think OBS through YouTube would be the best or also we can have discord which is pretty good in live stream of events or groups.

We should definitely get a stream system setup, even if that is via youtube. I used OBS and a beastly server and ended up capping the 1gbps internet with about 50 users (~20mbps/user). I can try again with another hosting service with a higher throughput (10gbps would get us 500 streams and cover us I suppose?) but I havent done enough research to make this cost effective since we only would stream certain sporadic events. Youtube or another RTSP service is likely in order vs a homeroll. (I could probably do a better job getting the streams down to 5-10mbps vs 20 which seems way to high, set a higher delay, spend more processing power on optimizing the stream before it goes out which means a higher delay)

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