Live ROSIN vapes - Whos leading the pack?

So they describe the carts as:

‘refined rosin sauce with an overall boost in THC and cannabis derived terpenes’

So would that cart be mostly rosin, or mostly disty with some sauce and terps added?


That leads to my second question, I thought straight rosin had too much gunk in it?

Or am I missing something?


They were the first to do it.

They used three different solventless processes to extract and then recombine as I was told.

I am in Maine and have never had a proper Rosin Cartridge. I have been attempting to recreate them here. This is all only what I have heard trying to spread the knowledge.

Nitrogen dry sift
Steam distilled terps
And additional/pressed diamonds (?)

All from the same strain.

The other carts mentioned are pressed in different ways and then there are proprietary processes to create a cartridge.

The newer carts are pressed, heated/treated, filled. No terps added for viscosity.

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Ya I am curious how these guys are getting a viscosity that works in pens without using cutting agents or distillate


It stays right there in their own website it has terps added.

I pulled my quote directly from your link


That was the cart that started it all not what the Verde, Dablogic carts are.

They use a proprietary/secret process to achieve viscosity.

The carts are also set to a specific temp (low in general).

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How do they remove the lipids from the rosin? How do they decarb it all and not lose terps.

I dunno, again, I must be missing something, because from what I’ve read and seen, all rosin carts, as in actual rosin in a cart, get pretty burnt tasting at the end.

I’m not aware of a way to get the lipids, fats, and other unwanteds that come in a solventless extract.

@ExTek90, can you explain, as much as possible if you can, what exactly a rosin cart is?

I’m not saying rosin is bad here, I’m genuinely trying to get some more information on these products.

Edit: co2 needs winterized, so that touches solvents


Their proprietary technique is distillation homie. I’m still salty about “liquid live resin”


The terps are distilled yes.

That was not what this thread was about though. I included that product because anyone that has been attempting to develop a Rosin Cartridge to market is attempting to create that product without having to “recombine” the each specifically pressed aspect of that cartridge.

One press, heat treat, fill cartridge.


I bet they use hash rosin. I know that is better than flower rosin and less fats/lipids.


Pure Pressure has a great video

with Pyramid about the first Rosin Pax Pod that was recently brought to market.

Grow Science is crushing it and there is alot in this video (towards the end for the 510 Rosin cart info).

The burning of the lipids/fats are definitely an issue as well as well as shelf life and consistency.

The 710 Labs Carts were $110 for .5 and they came with a special battery that was set to the lowest/fixed setting.


What are the prices in your area and are the same strains available or does it vary?

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The clarity of the Solventless pod has me particularly curious. I would like to make those too.

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Hands down the best rosin carts I have personally tried. I’ve tried a few =)

Verdant Leaf in Portland, OR


Do they vary the available strains or is it the same few in rotation?

I have heard they are among the best!

Is jartek still the way they heat treat pressed coldwater into rosin cart juice?


That is my understanding. Yes.

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Yep, we got 1st place with the only one we entered into a comp.


Impressive product. I thought it was interesting that according to what I saw you use LECs.

For us it is top quality bubble hash live rosin that is decarbed, no distillate or added terps, etc.

The secret is the grades/micron of hash we press… as much as it’s a secret.