Live resin distillate carts: truth in labeling?

I don’t know how else I can say it, but I’ll try one more time. I don’t work with distillate, I just believe your bias is just that, bias. I don’t believe there is any scientific substance to your argument and I’m trying to get you to see that fact, or present something worth disputing.

You’ve presented a bunch of scenarios that support your bias instead of refuting anything I’ve actually said related to your claims about naturally derived thc of equal percentages being different based on the choice of purification technique.

The only real claim you made in your defense was live resin doesn’t go into a still, which if we’re talking about putting it in carts is inaccurate, and irrelevant and I’ve already mentioned why if you’d like to refute that.

I’m not debating if people are shady, I’m debating the misinformation being spread that somehow naturally derived high purity thc is somehow different based on the choice of purification technique.

I’ll happily buy some good clean high purity disty and make carts using it with the same HTE I use with my decarbed isolate(it’s ridiculous I need to specify this) and I’ll bring both to mjbizcon or the next socal event and we’ll see who can tell me the difference knowing one has disty in it.

I also can’t agree with your sentiment that thickeners ruined the disty game, it was a lot more than just thickeners. I’d have to lean on your shady players as ruining the disty game by using low quality distillates, unsafe hardware, cuts, counterfeit packages, nasty ass terps, and the real nail in the coffin… cheap synthetically derived cannabinoids.

The reality though is distillate isn’t ruined. The word distillate is because it is being misused to refer to synthetically derived cannabinoids and/or associated with low quality products. Live resin in most cases is being used as a marketing term without any actual HTE in it or covered with other flavors to accommodate the masses, both common practice in this industry.

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Scientifically I will fuck someone up for selling me disty as live resin. Your argument is almost completely irrelevant to my point. Cool you can’t tell a difference (supposedly, because I can). My point is ppl don’t want disty and they sure don’t want disty with live terps labeled as live resin. (Especially marked up because they think it’s not made from outdoor boof lows)

The good part about having 1000s of ig followers that smoke weed is I can get a fast idea of how the community thinks. Out of the 100 ppl that have voted so far I think the public says you’re wrong. And also I’ve had about 4 people that selected yes they would buy one after finding out dm me that was an accident and they meant no.

So ya. Clearly the people don’t want this.
Now go leave another strung out reply that’s pretty much irrelevant to what I’m saying again.

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Lolol I’m toasted rn geekin off this.

Thank you.

Cannabis space is EXTRA deceptive. I remember when a big brand got caught doing this. :smirk: Raw garden. Lol

IF ppl know how to mix good CDT into distillate they could fool many ppl into thinking it’s live resin.


Asking your fans leading questions is displaying even further bias, which makes the data worthless and still provides ZERO scientific evidence to support your original claim.

Threatening to attack people because you misunderstand science and think that you can taste purification techniques is just childish and utterly ridiculous. You can taste low quality, sure, just like everybody else, but you can’t taste the difference in high purity thc from distillation vs crystallization and then decarboxylation.

I’ll put money on it, we can come up with a nice thorough test and if you can definitively differentiate between the two I’ll also recant. Based on how your only response has been slights at my intent and my character and to behave aggressively since I don’t simply agree with you I get the feeling you won’t accept.

Low quality and distillate are not hand and hand. You and your custies just think so because you told them that’s the truth and because…

I mean you still haven’t explained to me what molecule or molecules make the 2 different, which is all I asked you to take a look at. How are these 2 solutions of 90%+ thc different from each other?


Just gonna leave this here.


Whatever ya say bro lol I’m done here.

Called it.

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I’m just over talking about it. You’re going on tangents about some other shit when my point is people are selling product A labeled as product B and the public isn’t cool about it. Ya I get thc is thc. Keep that record repeating


IF you mix distillate in hte no…you don’t have live resin. If you mix anything into live resin other than CDT you don’t have live resin anymore.

Mixing distillate in is deceptive. And it’s not live resin. Just saying.

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But but but. It’s thc still scientifically

I concur 100% it’s deceptive and wack…get it all the way outta here.


IF you gotta lie or be deceptive you know you should change your play up. MAKE HIGH QUALITY.

You can get fire bho…CLEAN non crc…and get some fire CDT for like 40-80ml make fire vapes out of those…call them CURED resin…and they’ll be good IF you get good bho and good CDT.

Why deceive ppl? Why not make a fire product ? Where they’ll keep coming back.

We’re all wrong. Curioschemist is right. End of story

:smirk: I’m curious what he says…im French fried sitting on the couch …I should go to bed though

Just reread above it’s been a broken record ride. I feel like I might be being a little mean. But man. I hear ya you keep saying the same thing.

Doesn’t change the fact that ppl don’t want to be sold disty as live resin.

On that note I am out this time. Nothing is going to change that selling disty as live resin is a scum bag move.

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I usually just skim through…I just saw the last few messages and I always like to chime in on the shadyness. Lol

Deception is bogus. I’ve been burnt and it doesn’t feel good…I just think about someone trying to help they’re grandparent or an older person just starting out trying to relieve pain or some ailment…

Most ppl don’t know any better …they trust any box w writing on it.

Selling distillate as live resin is def deceptive
No offense chemist fella

Not saying they wouldn’t get relief from good distillate w hte…BUT it’s wrong to mislead folks…all I’m saying

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I mean you have @Realterpsmatter agreeing with you now. Do you see how maybe it’s an inaccurate statement based on a misunderstanding of concepts and a misuse of words our industry fosters because it lacks any form of coherence?

You think all those people putting poop terps on them will stop if you tell them they have poop terps on their skin? No, because it smells good and the source of the molecule is irrelevant if it is sufficiently pure.

Not just scientifically, literally. It literally is thc from the same source sprinkled with the same impurities, it is only the technique by which you purified it which has changed.

@Slabby you’re just being callous because I don’t agree with you and you appear to lack the maturity to have a debate with someone without lashing out. I have pointed out repeatedly that you are dodging the subject, and have remained otherwise civil in spite of your behavior. I mean I’ve only asked you several times to have an open debate with me, but now that must mean I’m telling you regardless of anything you’re wrong?

Still won’t stand by your word and put your money where your mouth is and that speaks for itself.

@Realterpsmatter I think you’re missing the point here as well. So here’s the same analogy presented to you now since you are making the same misinformed claim.

What is the difference between naturally derived 90%+ THC that was purified by distillation and naturally derived 90%+ THC that was purified by crystallization and filtration?

D9 is D9. Just like thca is thca whether it came from fire or it came from good material. I still would prefer decarbed over distillate tho. Idk why really. I trust crystallization more than all the steps that go into cleaning up disty I guess


Even I don’t trust ‘distillate’ these days because as I mentioned in another thread I don’t believe anyone when it comes to whether or not it’s converted. You gotta watch em make it, or make it yourself if you want guaranteed ‘distillate’

Hence part of why I’d love it if we could differentiate between things like 97.6% pure d9 made through conversion vs 91%+ average wiper distillate vs 92% average decarboxylated isolate, but we simply can’t. All I’ve really been trying to say is as long as the difference is only purification techniques and does not involve any synthesis, the products are identical.

Putting the HTE into either product if they are sufficiently pure creates a product that will test identically, taste identically, be identical.


Ya I agree. And so does the rest of the world
“Is it shady to sell disty as live resin?”

“Will you buy after learning its distillate?”