You must be dealing with alcoholics or people with other issues/drug use.
I dab all day every day and I am a hyper person and no amount of dabs would make my speech slurred. I never even heard of this.
Dysarthria is a developmental condition and frequently occurs outside of alcoholism / drug dependency.
Especially moderation
Yeah I read that and none of the 4 causes they listed would be caused from dabbing concentrates. Again never heard of this caused by smoking concentrates not saying I didn’t believe it existed.
I’m not gonna lie. Towards the end of the night my words can get slurry. Could be the brain damage.
If your overweight(most of the U.S. is)and your talking moderating BS when it comes to cannabis use maybe use that logic with your eating habits. This is not directed at any member as I have not met 1 member here so I have no idea who is a fatty and who eats food in moderation.
I had a very deep DMT experience, and that alone drastically cut down on my need to consume cannabis. I definitely got back up to my standard usage after a few months. This was a side effect, there was other intent and purpose to that DMT experience.
Your only hooked if you try to quit
Wow thats expensive!!!
Thats a $5 tincture for $75…
My daily morning dose is 200mg cbd, 40mg cbg.
There are plenty of other costs to factor in.
As for tolerance I took a break once due to an extreme work environment and never really was able to start up again for whatever reason.
Literally didn’t skip a day for 7 years before this small break that was meant to just be until harvest, going on 4 years now.
Now any smoking or edibles above a few mg can tend to give me severe panic attacks. Really sucks.
Also quit drinking about a year ago since that seemed to take the weeds place in the crutch category, feeling very healthy and productive haven’t had a single stomach ache or gotten sick in 10 months. Enjoy the occasional dosage though
Breaks are good regardless of the substance, you should be able to prove to yourself that you can survive without it.
I’ve been 6 months sober from weed now, and I have mixed feelings, good and bad. Stopped when I traveled for a long period of time. Got back and was applying jobs that might initially drug test and wanted to keep my options open. Before that I’ve smoked and dabbed daily for 8 years.
Pros: Controlled appetite, less bing eating, more motivation to do things when bored that’s not smoking, clear headed, speak more articulately, some strains when dabbed out can make me feel somewhat anxious.
Cons: its much harder to go to sleep (biggest benefit weed gives me), feel more achy pains, drinking more, can be more irritable.
I never got the munchies that have always been associated with weed. It actually ruins what little appetite I have most of the time.
i get the worst munchies…after 8pm when im dumb high…i eat like 1000 calories in sugar every night…
This is why i ride my mountain bike 1:30 hours a day…otherwise id be like 300lbs
Not me man, I have to be careful about it or I won’t eat. My skinny ass can’t afford to lose anymore weight.
Honestly weed is more of a stimulant for me, I take a hit and it’s like a rush haha!
Does anybody think they function better high?
It has always seems to help me think a little better, even though it gives me a rush, it absolutely feels like my mind is a little less scattered when I smoke.
In high school, I consistently tested better, doing construction I made less mistakes, etc. I don’t know why, but I do know I feel that way.
And when I quit for a few years, I didn’t get any of the mental benefits people have claimed. I dunno, when I talk about it that way, it’s some sort of crutch, but, it is what it is.
I’ve got a back injury and TBI and smoking concentrates cosistantly keeps the pain away and my thoughts more clear and less scattered. When I don’t smoke I get pretty irritable and scatter brained so other then sleeping no tolorence break for me.
Try delta8, you will munch, no if ands or buts
i had the same signs in college. When on probation, my grades dipped drastically. When i got high going to college. I would just be high as hell sitting in class paying attention. When test time came…i retained most of the information.
i really cant remember when i havent been high to start off the day. My morning routine is to wake up at 5:30…go downstairs make a pot of coffee…turn on the enail…Shower. pour coffee and dab till my bike ride time at 7-730 am.
I really have bad adhd and without cannabis…id be bouncing off walls. Cannabis has slowed everything down for me…allowing me to focus on tasks. Otherwise id probably be a mess
The brain damage i incurred about 10 years ago isnt helping either…
I would definitely try it out haha, but sadly I’m like an island as far as this stuff goes. Besides you guys, everyone I talk to has no idea about any of this stuff.
That’s a good way to put it, it definitely has that effect for me as well.
I quit for a few years and looking back, I was in a weird place mentally. I won’t say my weed habit is healthy, but I’ve always been in a better mental state when I’m ‘high’