Legal lab progress shots


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I have also found that the people working at bhogart don’t know anything more than the paper work says… :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: But I love the gear.


Lol most common response I hear. Basically just get sold a ton of stainless steel and pumps and gotta figure it out on your own. But once you do it works amazing. We’re running through material faster than expected. Kevin the co owner did help us out after we had some serious problems so I’ll give him some credit…but customer service should definitely be better

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Kevin is a very cool guy. I started with bhogart in 2013 and love him and Tom


Ya I’ve actually known Tom since I was in high school through a friend he dirt biked with. So he was a decent acquaintance. We were around each other a lot but didn’t know him well enough to call him directly for my order. Probably could of…but still didn’t feel like we had that relationship. But yes, Tom is a very good dude, Kevin proved himself to be a very good dude over the last 2 months.

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Just glad you’re confident sounding and pumping out product. That’s all you can expect from any of the owners at these places for the most part. Lucky you even got ahold of one.


@moveweight Lol honestly one of the reasons we went with Bhogart. If you read my post directly above I’ve known Tom for a long time. So if shit really hit the fan I could get his personal number/address and stuff. Luckily it didn’t come close to any of that. I remember in like 2013 telling my buddy i was making oil and he was like have you heard of Bhogart? I of course I said yes…and he’s like oh shit that’s Toms company. So always wanted to go with them to support a dude i knew. Just glad everything finally worked out and we’re pumping out product


It’s who you know, who will make it right and keep business. Everyone’s got a different experience. Just glad to see you rocking and rolling.

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Thanks man much appreciated

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I think if I spent what you spent they might have been more into helping me? But I also wasn’t buying something so intricate. I’ve still spent almost 20k with their company over the years. And after 3 year of production everything is still working smooth. But yeah, I had to modify the cooling capacity. I also use dry ice so everything is extra cold where it needs to be.

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That’s the difference between 50k and 250k extraction systems

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I wish… Though one time I was offered a job building a 500k lab … In the jungles of Bolivia…

… I had to pass, the guy was offering way too much money, just seemed like a good way to end up shot in the head. Also, I don’t think it was going to be a hash lab, no matter what dude was saying. Skeeeeeetchy


This Sherbert Punch sauce is one of the best tasting dabs I’ve ever had. Used the Pyrex sauce tech then jarred it all. Came out sooo fire. The terps linger for like a solid 5 minutes. 4.3lbs total.Super happy with this one.

16 Likes @Gumby!! Awesome work!!


Currently starting a sauce line. Got some 4 hole ceramic carts from @Ascent and they’re amazing.
Here’s my first batch in his carts. Thanks to @StoneD for the recommendation.
I did 18% terps and the rest decarbbed diamonds. The terps are Key Lime Kush Mints. Shit is fiiire. I haven’t taken an actual dab in a day. These hit hard


Just got an upgrade. Got a -30c chiller to run on all the columns set up yesterday. Ran some super fire fresh frozen today. I am happy.


So purrty


Just some purty pictures


Some random stuff I’ve made recently