Lawyers? I need one asap! SoCal ONLY Please 🙏

Looking for a good work/discrimination/disability lawyer in the Inland Empire. FedEx tried screwing me over and tried firing me while having a small seizure yesterday so I resigned for medical reasons.


Resigning is your first mistake. You can explain it was under pressure. <— this is how I’ve found multiple attorneys that have made me right.

Resignation bears you made the decision.

I don’t think it’s worth your time, there’s more work to be done. I’m sorry you’re struggling, but focusing onward pays 2x as much as waiting for a situation to be made right.

If you can do both, I wish you all the luck in the world. Pursuing being wronged while moving forward is a helluva an undertaking.

Moving forward usually always wins in my history, but I’ve been able to move forward and pursue being wronged simultaneously. You’ll have a lot of weight on your shoulders. I recommend the most peaceful route. Probono lawyers can be a gift, but you won’t find them often unless they know you’re a winning case.

I would consult the human resources department with your local and corporate offices and explain your concerns and experience.


I did!

2 posts were split to a new topic: Happyfeet doxxing himself help removal

I was literally called stupid for having seizures :pensive:

You’ll have faster luck trying to find HR and getting on the phone. Attorneys you’re looking at years of your life and out of pocket paying. Unless your case is ironclad / video of the seizure

I have friends I’ve tried help with their wrongful termination suits who have clear issues that could have lead to it. They’re 5 years later out of pocket 10-30k and need a new attorney.

I don’t recommend going for the throat with an attorney unless you can show them the seizure.

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I tried talking to HR but they didn’t give a fuck and just tried getting me out cause I was being insubordinate.

Corporate HR or local? I’ve got some contacts in FedEx corporate.

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Local FedEx Distribution center

You gotta talk to big corporate to get HR needs met. Locally anywhere you’re gonna be tossed around like the boxes they handle. I’ll see if I can get the HR line, most my friends work in freight.

Rather help you get another job. I know bills today are important. Send me a dm and I’ll try to help you with some advice.

I reached out to my biggest FedEx guy and he will reply in a bit. I still think it’s best to focus on what you can get hired on with Monday. Care more about your finances and well being than standing up to those that wrong you. Your continuing is what’s important.

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For anyone wanting to help a young homie in the San Bernardino County Area.
Remember no driving, so if you can get work for two people, or even 3 so we can carpool and save to meet our goals for next year HMU. We want employment for many years to come.

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Apply to
I don’t know their current situation or conditions but I trust they could be a good resource and contact for a potential opportunity.

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I already talked to Stephanie, they have nothing available :confused:

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Xtractor depot is always my first point of contact lol :joy::laughing:

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Man I am sorry this happened to you. but at places like fedex , if you can’t do the numbers you will be canned. and you most likely were in a temp period and not an actual employee yet because that’s like a 90 day period you gotta wait out. so sadly i don’t think it’s worth your time personally. there’s too many variables at play here and you basically got frazzled and quit from what i’m understanding unless i’m completely wrong here


Amazon? UPS? USPS? other rapid hiring places? the season is here. Apply to all.


Try these guys too.

I have, San Bernardino County is terrible :pensive:.

I’m well aware. I’ve lived in socal and worked in LA and San Bernardino. It’s still 3x better than San Francisco area. Cheers to that.

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9 days on the job looks pretty bad before resigning. If you that messed up California has plenty of programs.