Can a laser like the one on a thermometer like this ignite solvent or anything else (fumes etc) I have always been leary of using these around solvent maybe im just a sissy?
Block of wood
A Vise
Try a DX (True 5mw) laser pointer - any pointer will do)
Saudering tool
Laser Diode - High powered. One that is compatible with your laser pointer. DX max is like 200mw.
Cut 1/2 hole directly in middle of wood.
Cut block of wood in half.
Put wood into vise. it acts as a clamp so you don’t scratch pointer.
Screw off case and remove cap from diode and put cap on new diode.
Pull foam off at top of spring.
Save button and foam.
Sauder spring off of old diode and sauder on new diode. Put it back together
Open vise and cover with a cloth.
Put in laser horizontally and press cap and case together again.
Add batteries.
These are super super dangerous and unforgiving. This is not be taken lightly.
Lasers this strong will blind you instantly. No joke.
I have an easier suggestion, just cut one of the leads on the laser diode! Anode or cathode doesn’t really matter as it’s supply voltage is typically managed by a constant current source. The laser has nothing to do with these types of thermometers. These thermometers work with a PIR sensor (thermo resistor) That is capped with a Fernell lens (the 1/2 ping pong ball looking thing). The sensor is measuring the energy (photonics) in the infrared spectrum as it is distributed across the photo resistors substrate. The primary optic (Fernell lens) collimates the light on the photo resistor. The only reason a laser is implemented is to guide the users aim of the sensor into an approximate measurement location.
These will burn through wood, set you solvant on fire, and much more fun.
We use to point them at our douce resource officer at my high school. Some of the funniest shit ever. He would get on the microphone in front of the whole school “WHOSE DOING THIS, I am going to find you and ARREST you”…
Then we’d point the laser and make him dance in front of the whole school. LOL.