Lab Society Marketplace Beta Users

Lab Society is excited to be launching a new customer-driven marketplace for new and used lab equipment.

If you are interested in either buying or selling used laboratory equipment, be sure to sign up for the beta. Spots are limited.

Lab Society has a large community of dedicated laboratory owners and managers, and this is your chance to get seen by our community, with highly competitive payouts for sales made.

We are launching our Beta Program soon, and we’re looking for interested parties who have equipment they want to sell. Please follow the link below if you are interested, and a staff member from Lab Society will be in touch shortly!

Lab Society’s Marketplace BETA


I’ll give feedback for sure…

Brilliant move, especially when so many outfits are collapsing. :brain:

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What makes this different then eBay??

Well you know. The resurrected markup on used. Also I’m pretty sure used requires a different and separate insurance policy becusee the liability of used gear is insane.

Huh?? Maybe I’m not quite understanding correctly cause it’s Friday.

But how would insurance for third party sellers selling used equipment be required?

I am curious to know the rates and fees…

Still eBay has new and used lab gear. Millions of users and sellers. Pretty solid track record. Just wondering what lab Society can add that eBay really can’t.


A smaller amount of listings to go comb through and a targeted audience is two benefits.

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It’s a bad market for lab equipment or extractors?

But that could also bring in the famous “green tax”

When people know there is a whole world out there with capable equipment. The cannabis sellers just seem so small

Didn’t say that, what I meant was a lot of smaller labs were priced out of production when cbd became cheaper and they’re selling equipment.


Very true, and labsociety is a pretty big offender when it comes to the green tax. Still tho, they won’t survive if they can’t offer competitive prices to what can be had on eBay.

But if thats not the case, having less folks bidding on the thing you want is gonna be pretty rad.


Its either gonna be great for buyers or great for sellers, but i bet it wont be both. lol