Know your friends (Orius Insidiosus)

It is too late to get too deep into how much and how far this issue has gone. I did dose this particular veg table with pyrethrin for now. In the morning I will get to find out how bad it is


Root aphids are fucked.

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grandevo 4tbs/ gallon
venerate 45ml/ gallon

This could be used in rotation with pyganic and spinosad.

Spray suffoil x or some other heavy oil around to help keep mobility down.


I thought you grew in hydro? You don’t have them in hydro, do you?

Ive battled these fuckers a few times over the years. Capulator posted on IG a few years back a regimen ive tweaked and followed twice now with great success in coco coir.

Day 1: root drench/soak 5/ml per gallon pyganic 5.0 with regular nutrient mix (ive read some using up to 10/ml per gallon but have not gone that hot myself)

Day 2: 4 gallon OG Biowar tea (root/foliar pack) drench and foliar mixed in with regular nutrient mix

Day 3 or 5: botanigard wp22 drench/foliar mixed with regular nutrient mix

Repeat above for 3wks then just OG Biowar tea weekly.

I have not done any spinosad drenches, just foliar applications for thrips. Maybe do that on day 2 then do OG Biowar.


They could be root aphids like everyone is saying, that would definitely be unfortunate. Typically the Rice Root Aphid is the one that is encountered most frequently by cannabis growers. However just to rule out some other possibilities, since they’d be easy to examine just see how many legs they have and what their antenna look like. Aphids will also have two “Tailpipe” looking growths on their backside called cornicles that are pretty easy to see.

I think these could also be Hypoaspis Miles but you’ll really have to look closely to determine, heres a picture of Hypoaspis its a soil mite:


I’m not certain but I think this might be a match.

As I said earlier, I have seen these before in my 4" starter pots but never later on in 1 gallon or 7 gallon pots.

This morning they were not nearly as prolific as last night before a dose of pyrethrin. Actually this morning it is difficult to even find one.

They also move very quickly so getting a clean shot of one is hard. I will keep a close watch on this particular veg table.

Thank everyone for their time and knowledge!!

Here is a pic of one that is probably on his way to me it’s maker. Clearly no tailpipes. The coloration seems to point toward soil mites rather than root aphids

I am going to go with soil mites…always certain…often wrong

Had to edit this post as only 3 replies are allowed

Now I am obsessed

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Sadly we have them everywhere.

Originally from our mothers which have been in promix and now they just migrate to all the deep water systems. The operating part of our facility is very small right now so it should be easy to get under control. Just have to quarantine the mothers to their own area and nuke everything

We had an ant problem outside the grow which I believe was the culprit for the aphids to begin with. If you see ants, 90% chance that they’re farming aphids and bringing them into your grow


these are good bugs


I have been through that with aphids. Idk if ants farm root aphids, though.

Beauveria is a fungal control that might help.

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