Karen says she's getting high from decarbing flower, need proof she's not

As the title says; We had a surprise visit from the local FD. They were investigating complaints that the odor from decarbing industrial hemp was causing “intoxication” for the kids/parents at the karate studio next door.

Aside from providing them with all of the moving air figures showing there is plenty of ventilation, they requested I provide them with scientific info showing you cannot get “high” from the smell alone. or the fact that decarb would not increase THC substantially past the legal .3%

Beligerantly stupid request I know, but in non-legal state, I want this handled as smooth as possible.


Drug test?


Request samples to show multiple users have thc in their system?

Are there hospital records?

Because they can’t understand science doesn’t justify you educate or argue without their burden of proof of complaint.

Request copies of concerns before spending your resources and financial time and efforts.


She’s solely basing this off of feeling “different” after karate class. I would be hard pressed to get medical/drug test info as im sure shes not consenting to those.

FD is super chill about it and just wants her off their back.


They need to point Karen to local Hemp authorities if they have a concern that isn’t a fire. Fire marshal already approved assuming.


Karen is just trying to run you off…do nothing until they can prove intoxication


Somehow people who dont consume and work with cannabis don’t get intoxicated.

Volatile terpenes arguably do have effects.

Worst case. Buy the karate business out. Turn it into your smokeshop cbd store and move them somewhere else.



Fuck that. Tell her she needs proof she IS getting high from “fumes”. Not for you to prove that she’s not


If the decarb oven is continually running with sufficient biomass in the system regardless of whether the hemp is hot or not they could still get high.

Let’s also not forget that hemp doesn’t look at ‘total THC’ but only THC (ignores THCA).

Edit: by hot I mean high THC

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Proof is in the pudding

Are you trying to say I’ll get high from hemp decarb fumes from the oven on the next property over?? :rofl:


Have had multiple Karen’s claim to be “getting high” just from smelling a CBD topical. One even played it up like she was getting dizzy and needed to sit down.

When i gave some relatives a flower infused salve, they were so repulsed by the smell they would wrap a towel around my cousins arm and make her go outside while she applied it.

people are clinging on to what power they have left to complain about cannabis, in my area they legit run around sniffing with these things like they don’t got anything better to do
do not tell them this device exists


There’s always a “Karen or a Pat” lmao

Ambulance chasing is real.

Never been in one. Personally.

Karen’s poor tommy might get a contact high.

From the smell of hemp…



Man I’ve had people get high just starring at me.


:rofl: wait till you fuck people up online

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You should hit her with a bill for all the product she’s “consuming”


How many tons a day are we talking about?

I designed an extraction facility that almost needed emission credits because of the volume of ethanol emissions. If we were one county closer to Detroit we would have had to register with the EPA.


What temperature are you decarbing at? Pulling vacuum?

The psychoactive part of the plant, the cannabinoids, are not volatile. THC would only be in the air if you were deliberately trying to get it to vaporize. This could be quantified using boiling point data compared to the temps you’re operating at.

Upgrade your exhaust system to scrub odors. That’s what they are actually upset about, whether they recognize it or not. They just made it up in their head that this equates to getting high, as others have encountered in similar events in this thread.

To be fair, decarbing can smell pretty rank. They might be having parents complaining about their kids just being exposed to it. Filtering by particle size would put it in terms they understand as far as removing active cannabinoids. Activated carbon would resolve the odor issue. It’s probably a lot easier to just thoroughly deodorize the exhaust than it is to prove that the hundreds of VOC’s in the air are non-psychoactive. Technically there are several volatile hydrocarbons with inebriating effects, just not enough to amount to anything here.