Just in case you ever wanted to meet some elves

This has been about 30 years ago so my memory may not be the best. Me and my girlfriend split an ounce of Syrian rue seeds which we ground up and swallowed. I knew it was for mixing with DMT so I didn’t really expect much but I’ll have to say that was one of the strangest trips of my life. It lasted all night and into the early morning hours.


So I made a cart with .6 deems and .3 vg/pg in a wolk. It ended up leaking significantly. This was like weeks ago though…

I’ve got an assortment of carts. Liam’s dual coil, viton wolks, ascent ceramics v1, some ascera ceramics, and Ccell knock off. Ccell knock offs don’t leak but don’t provide the big hit the ascents do. The one ascent ceramic I have had in the past leaked on me.

I’m going to try a thicker mix, but imagine it’ll fall out if solution in the cart. Maybe that’s what a bic lighter is for…heat back into solution before use.

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.6 deems w .3 pg should been fine how long u microwave it? And stir it good I do 2 10 sec burst stir it good

I either make.half pg and half dmt or all dmt and .1 pg

They never leak…don’t load hot as hell let it cool a lil…all ceramic from.ascent I’ve been rocking for a while

Btw don’t buy glass carts…I had client insist we use glass carts half leaked and didn’t hit hard enough to do anything…made them question my dmt but it was def hardware used


a guy I’m friends with on IG just uses botanical terps to get make it vape compatible liquid


Huh. Botanical terps and deems…sounds like it could potentially taste like the most terrible shit ever…or maybe more palatable than the straight deems flavor.


So I’m thinking I’ll mix .6 deems with .1 vg/pg and try a dual coil Liam cart. Should be a strong combo if it doesn’t leak.

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Have you considered adding a flocculant to the water so all the powdered bark just sinks to the bottom?

I would imagine that would work very well at any scale.

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what woukd be the best one u suggest get

I think for industrial water treatment aluminum sulphate is used. Only experience i’ve got with flocculants is from pond maintenance.

This stuff works well for me in my fish tank too.

Could probably also just use some bentonite clay, but there may be a chance it steals some of your alkaloids due to adsorption.

Ill and see if its ok to use w what I use bc that be nice

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you can make changa with the maoi then it’s smokable and extends the duration to 15-30 mins. It’s the only way I go nowdays.

My recipe is simple
300mg harmalas (extracted from syrian rue seeds)
500mg dmt
1000mg mullein

100-200mg of finished herb is all you need in a single hit


Let me know how that goes.

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ThiccThicc for my pleasure

.6/.1 mix for the win. I don’t think these will leak.


I need to report back. This is the way. One rip and I went deep deep. Strongest DMT delivery system I’ve experienced. Better than a shitty Enail for sure.


The fact that you can… walk to a destination and immediately dose, incredible.

Those are some nice looking carts!


You guys ever try synthetic?

Where did you get those carts??


Was my shit in 2009-2010

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Yes these are the best blast off carts I got them w a sample but the price for them.wqs crazy

And they only worked on the battery provided bc they was so much wider

Do they now work on other batteries.

Gah if they wouldn’t steal the .1 white dmt is have happy yellow mix that would blast u even farther!

Best carts hands down for live resin and dmt

Ispire carts I think

Get me ur source on these if they fit w normal batteries now do they have the ajustable air flows

I woulda switched but they didn’t work w stick pens and the battery it came w broke fast but this was year ago

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