James Comer Helped a Donor Get Chinese Hemp. What They Got Tested as Marijuana


So how hot was it? This was early days in the hemp industry when finding anything that stayed under 0.3% was impossible.
Much of the hemp grown internationally was fibre/grain type hemp that wasn’t necessarily CBDa hemp with negligible THCa like we have now - CBD/THC blends or even THC rich plants with a grain/fibre morphology were also common.
So these would test hot but they wouldn’t be high quality flower.
Lots of hermaphrodytes too because this appears beneficial for grain production (improves pollination rates).


They wrote some samples were above ten times the the limit, so likely some 1:1 oleagenous hemp with 3-4% of both THC and CBD


When i first started in the Hemp world we worked with a lab that was in china and the biomass they got theor first year in operation was was less than 1% cbd so in turn the thc levels were worlds below anything we deal with state side. They ended up buying close to a million seeds state side and grew it in china so the following year they had a huge eye opening experience remediating “high” levels of thc.