It's Willbillytek. Duh

Cartman voice?


I can see pi stacking of terpenes in a crystal lattice creating enough electron density to function like a chromophore. This would not require any chemistry and would reverse when melted.


As requested by @moveweight




Alot of it depends on what you’re separating, Matt was talking about using MD for water purification and you don’t evaporate the water first during that process atleast not with the new membranes we have

MD is only really used for 2 reasons during water purification and I actually have experience with one of them

The first is if you’re in a place like the dessert where you need all the water you can get. ROs are only 42% efficient and waste a ton of water in the waste stream, if you’re in a place like the dessert where every drop counts then MD will allow you to purify the waste water the ro creates raising the efficiency of your water purification to above 95%

The second is if you’re like these guys out in Tracy here, where you’re taking ground water that’s garbage and using it and then having to pay to have it disposed of. Ca has a law that the water you take from the ground must be cleaner when you put it back then when you took it out. The guys in Tracy are using the water to do something in the dairy industry, but since the water is already so hard coming out of the ground they can’t just put it back they have to pay to have it trucked off. This costs them a ton of money because they use a ton of water. This company has tried and RO and ion exchange system to try and deal with the heavy mineral content, the problem is there’s too much and the system fouls too quickly. MD will allow you to clean up 95% of the water very easily reducing the amount of water they have to have trucked off to only the 5% they can’t clean. Even this system though doesn’t use vacuum, and tbh none of the systems that my engineer from Germany has built has either.

The thing is water is expensive and hard to evaporate, unless you really need to clean the water (like the guys in Tracy) or you need every drop you can get (like in the desert) it’s more efficient to run an ro and deal with the loss of waste water

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I thought it was a solvation process or something?


Y’all have a happy new years!


With so many color swings I’m sure it’s a ph thing as well.


I have some of that right now and it’s a thick oil which makes me hesitant about using it in a ReX


It don’t hit better to just throw in the rock and carb cap it instantly? I seem to get better hits the faster I can get that cap on

I wouldn’t use just that

I’m going to try and isomerize it then crystallize with some of it in pentane

You only need a tiny little bit to co crystallize to get that color

I also think there’s a trick to get the terpene to crystallize in there and i think it has to do with the fast crash

Did you fix that video? It wouldn’t play earlier

Ty if so

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No doubt I just left the carb cap off and let it melt for a sec for the sake of the video haha


I’ve already crystallized Terps into thca and I didn’t fast crash it. It stayed colorless though


Can you take some of that guaiol and put a little in a vial or something and add some citric acid or another acid to it?

You need to turn the guaiol into guaiazuelene then it’ll crystallize blue

Yeah I can try that

If you can do it in a beaker and use a little heat please

Ok I don’t have a lot so it’s in a vile

Guaiazuelene is dark blue it says

Look at the melting point too!

That shit will co crystallize

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(Pretend this is in italics)

How many grams of chamomile flowers should I add to my runs…