It's Willbillytek. Duh

Random shot in the dark after reading some of the thread. He may use a cold trap in between his vacuum pump and vac oven to collect terpenes that evaporate during the purging process. Typically in these cold trap terps there a large percent of Limonene, Mycrene, and Pinene but its also depends on the material you’ve purged in the vac oven. Then he uses these terpenes with a lowered PH to recrystallize THCA quickly to form the blue diamonds that taste like christmas.

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The blue diamonds do not taste like Christmas

That was a misunderstanding

They are reportedly flavorless

There is another tek being mentioned that traps terpenes in the lattice of the crystal.

Polymorphism and anti-solvents have been mentioned.

I think the cold trap could be a way to trap pigmented compounds as well. My wipers cold trap was always full of smurf-jizz and that’s from crude not live resin.

Who knows what amazing compounds would end up there.

@TheWillBilly can the blue diamonds be made from dry material or is it dependent on fresh frozen material?

Is it strain dependent or can you make blue diamonds from anything?

When you say it’s only turned blue with a cannabis derived compound do you mean it’s been derived from THAT batch of cannabis or that it’s a compound that CAN be found in cannabis but not necessarily the batch you are running?

I’d like it a lot more if it came from the material you are running and one could hardly refer to that as an adulterant but more of a material characteristic


If we go back to the lego metaphor laid out by @TurahTurah … I’m seeing limonene… but maybe thats too easy


AP English I believe terms like these were covered when learning how to create and decipher propaganda
false flag etc.

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My man Mark!

Ooh ya know how I got that? I ran fresh frozen, let the material thaw out in the tube and that’s what the coffee filter caught. It’s water soluble id guess


He did say he can do this with hash & I just figured out how :upside_down_face:


I mean I figured out that drinking grape soda makes my poop green

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what’s your ph?

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It says stomach acid is between 1.5 and 3.5 ph



Being 17, getting super stoned, and eating a mixing bowl of fruit loops will also make your poop green.


Yea or trix or any of those. I used to make a lot of cereal bar edibles


It’s actually funny in one of the med papers I was reading about this it mentions stomach acid with the absorption of cocrystals in pills & how when it enters the bile it changes color from ph. ‘‘Twas what lead me down another acid crystallization hole.


Winston grab the centrifuge I got some #greendiamondtek crude to clean up


And thats what i’s appreciates about yous

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Gotta be the knock off fruit loops tho


I need some more popcorn for this thread. It’s getting juicy…

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Best question asked so far. :wink:


Better than ‘Is it safe?’

At least we know where your priorities are. :wink:

Kidding, please don’t get mad, lol.