It Finally Happened

Lmk when you see a study of this “cross tolerance” bro

I think it’s deserved. As clearly people think they are so intertwined its needed.

Nevermind the documented proof showing how it changes chemically.

The cross tolerance = someone who likes edibles and smoking.

You caught me.

:slight_smile: peanut butter cookies be lit af


I personally can smoke a ton of weed but i can barely handle a 5mg edible.


There are how many thousands of high schoolers diagnosed with panic disorder? I don’t see them dropping dead from heart attacks left and right. I think you really have to be stretching it not to think an organic cause was the key driver here.

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Personally I feel he had to have been predisposed to heart issues (disease, syndrome, etc) that in conjunction with the elevated heart rate and possible vasoconstriction (I know it varies based on the vascular bed involved and some other ish) that THC’s can cause.

But I’m no doctor nor am I close to their knowledge. I just feel this would have to be some seriously bad d8 goop to cause this level of reaction without some form of predisposition.


Well some personas on a forum are not going to convince me of something that is demonstrably true that I have personally experienced. And again is common knowledge. If yall want to believe there is no correlation between smoking tolerance and edible tolerance, that’s your fantasy I guess. I’ve smoked morning noon and night for like 20 years and rarely ate edibles, 100mg barely put a dent in me. Now I smoke like 2x a month and 5mg edible is a scary ride. Because fuckn tolerance.

Pretty easy experiment really- eat an edible during your normal smoking day, then stop all cannabinoid consumption for two weeks and eat that same dose of edible. Come back to me with the story.

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You gotta be wrong bro, haven’t you heard all the super reputable brokers discussing how tolerance to d9 doesn’t translate to HHC?


Demonstrate for the class :hugs:

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Why does it have to be one way or the other?

Can’t it be a ymmv type thing where everyone’s endocannabinoid system reacts slightly different?


Don’t do it. You’re opening pandoras box!

The reason why the high between different cannabinoids is similar is because they all ping the same receptors. Same reason why heroin addicts don’t OD off of fentanyl as easily as a person who doesn’t do any opiates.

Acquired tolerance.

if I have a tolerance to gummies then they must really fuck people up who dont smoke daily. a few years ago I gave 500 mg gummies out at poker on 420. They made me pay dudes uber ride home. he couldnt get out of his chair when the table broke. told him to just eat one corner.

Here’s another reason i don’t buy this “it wasn’t the drug it was the panic” argument. ALL THCs can cause anxiety. But we have never ever seen anyone die from a heart attack after consuming any amount of natural weed product. 17 year olds have been blasting off on edibles for 60 years and never a single case. D8 is new and lo and behold we see a weird case like this. That puts the presumption strongly on the particular product to me.

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i get paranoid off thc a. I freaked out at cannifest and was convinced feds were trying to get info on conversions. I dont even do that shit but i think it was a fed asking about it. I can sense the paranoia and within it i know its not true so I dont totally lose it but ill think crazy shit like the whole event was set up to bust me but then i bring it back to reality. at least they didnt request pics lol.

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Similar effects =/= same effects

I’m not arguing cross tolerance isnt a thing, I’m saying some people may notice the effects of 11-hydroxy more than d9 and vice versa.

It’s already been shown that the enzyme to process THC a person has depends on which variant of the CPY2C9 gene they have- with some uncommon subtypes producing an enzyme that metabolizes THC faster than normal. Is it really that far fetched to believe some may have a subtype the metabolizes THC slower allowing for more THC to pass through the system without being absorbed and/or converted?

Eating d9 just makes me relax and get mildly sleepy from 400-500mg, lower than that it doesn’t do much. I have to go to stupid doses 1500mg+ before I feel any serious effects but I’d rather just take a few dabs at that point.

And this isn’t a new occurrence since I started dabbing more this has been the case since i started taking edibles back when I only would smoke a gram or two of flower and be spinning.

I know other people who have stupid high tolerance (we can smoke 7-8g of concentrates in a 2 hour session together) but are scared of my 100mg gummy worms because they’ve been too high off of 2.

I also know some retired folk who will smoke flower all day long but only handle 5-10mg that they take at night.


OP this sounds like a really bad time. Glad you are handling it and the kid didn’t die.

Did you realize he was at your hospital at the time or was it weeks later when the court docs came through?


again read between the lines. If I do dumb shit like sell to teens ill take the abuse i deserve.50 k revenue selling d8 drinks sourced from??? hand to hand to children.if they are under 18 give them a seed.

Im not arguing anything. Im simply explaining my experiences, take it for what it is.

As for this statement i dont think anyone was arguing that you dont gain a tolerance from consumption. The arguement was thatsmoking tolerance is different then edilbe tolerance.

My guess to this is that the difference has to do with absorption rates and delievery systems. When you smoke it goes into the lungs then to the blood. When you ingest it goes stomach and the liver does the absorption, i believe.

There are people out there that can eat 2000mg with zero effects due to the way thier body breaks it down. I litterally know 2 people who i work with that are unable to get high from edibles, no matter how much they eat. So i think its safe to say there are people out there with the opposite effect


i never got very high off bubblehash even when baked into food. but bho gummies fuck me up. if a kid eats it, fuck them. but if i gave it to a kid fuck me. Im saying that I dont think any under 18 year old gets any part of my weed, its not for kids. When i was a kid we smoked schwag deseeded on a record label

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No, it won’t “put you” in the hospital, either. It will most definitely make you feel like you want to, or need to go to the hospital.

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i cant make it up the stairs if i overdose using scrapings off the recipe. but i sleep it off on the stairs.