ISO USDA Certified Organic Biomass >10% CBD

Hey all,

We are a CBD extraction facility located just north of Denver searching for USDA Certified Organic biomass (roughly 60,000 lbs annually).

Please message me any information, prices, or to speak in more detail.



wow. didn’t know that was a thing yet.

worked with a group that were forced to drop “organic” from their name when OR went Rec…

Are you looking to purchase or toll? We have some for purchase but are not interested in Tolling.

Interesting! We met with an under secretary at the USDA who handles regulatory affairs in the fall and he said both farms and extraction facilities can become certified by third party organizations. From what I understood it takes a few years for a farm to become certified though.

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Purchase. I’ll message you.

i believe it takes 2 years to “clean” the property and the 3rd year is when you can become “certified”

Perfect! Thank you for the reference too! I was thinking I remembered hearing 3 years, but didn’t want to assume.

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Hi there,

We are looking for a extraction facility who is USDA Certified Organic.
Please advise
Gordon Meadows
CBD Wholesale Networks

Certified Organic … thru and thru here. Its a thing! Anyone claiming organic without a cert (equivalent of a coa) is defrauding you. Truth

OMO is short for “Open MInded Organics”

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