I’m looking for anyone with a sop or consulting available on converting CBDA to THC-A powder
The goal is THC-A powder isolate
I’m a type 7 licensed lab in Long Beach ca I would prefer on-site consulting and training
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
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I have quite a few posts on this topic. Is the goal D9THCa in particular? Do you have an amount of D8 that you are trying to be below? Are you familiar with pyrophorics or willing to adjust your expectations relative to safety?
Extremely new to the topic looking for help on achieving good thca powder will to compromise on everything
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Good luck.
Since you don’t need to recarb have you tried the d8 sop with cbda? Or does it get too hot?
I’ve sold this method to like 4 different outfits in the last two months. It’s pretty straightforward if you have the gear.