ISO Rosin Press

Colorado lab looking for a Rosin Press. On a budget so used is an option

There have been a few recently:

Yup, seen those. Thanks

We specialize in new and used equipment. We can definitely be of use in your search. If you want to give us a call or text we’ll take care of you. 802-277-0782

Cool. Is there a place I can see your inventory?

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Got it, thanks

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Please feel free to text us with any questions.

Hey there! we currently have one in stock.

Please let us know if you have any questions! Cal us at 734-855-4890 or email

For the budget baller

USA Lab, I sent you and email.

AS AN AGRIFY (the company that owns PP) SHAREHOLDER…Those machines require about a 1000 dollar (at least) air compressor to operate alongside it. Significant space requirements along with well…it being a bad press. Really. I can’t recommend those presses at all.

It should say a lot about the machine that I literally bought stock in the company so I can begin those statements as ‘as an agrify shareholder’


LOL, Thanks for the info. We do have a 175psi compressor, BTW

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Still I’d rather an old school bottle jack press vs that one since if you’re pressing hash you don’t really need much force. But still, so many parts that can break. The one I was using had the entire right side of the number pad just blank out so 3 6 and 9 werent able to be used which absolutely messed up my ability to press anything with the proper temps

That would definitely suck balls!! What model was that.

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Pikes Peak but tbh between that, the fact that they literally sell you inside out rosin bags so they can also sell you a 20 dollar chopstick to turn them right side out and the fact that there is so many guts hidden by a sheet metal shield that make things awful to fix I’ve largely written them off for production purposes - especially with the company dying a death by a thousand cuts it would concern me greatly.

Plus for $7k you could get much more press from Lowtemp Plates brand spanking new and still have money left over. I run the 4x7 personally and have for years now. Heating element in one plate burnt out once but was replaced by them before the days end. If you’re looking for reliability I’d look at them - their new HQ is in Arvada which is a huge boost if you’re in Colorado and need anything for it

Lowtemp is definitely top of tree and would be the preferred option. Due to budgetary constraints, well you get it. Looking at a used Yeti atm.

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Let me take a quick peek around and see if i can find any deals on some. They pop up quite a bit

Solid as fuck deal on this one

“You would have to pick this set up”
Perfect for us!!! Now we have to convince that owners that a ROADTRIP is necessary, lol.

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