ISO immersion chiller

Hey community, I’m looking for a working immersion chiller. Located in Colorado. -80 polysci, julabo, Huber. Anyone have one laying around that you want to turn into cash?

you can order it from wunfan at low cost same way we order ours couple of week ago
you can reach them via text/call: (937) 503-7059
good luck

I need something like this

I have a -90 one but im in Humbolt

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What condition is it in? How much ya want for it?

Perfect, holds -90+ no problem. Its the model with the bent probe for cold traps, not sure if that matters.

Ive got beaker’s Cole Parmer just sitting here in Oregon, I’m sure I could part with it for the right price.

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I’m interested and in Grants Pass Oregon if you could send me some more information on it!

I got one for sale. it’s brand new. just sent you a PM

Is probe chiller still for sale

Possibly, i still have it and use it every once and a while. Dry ice shortage got you looking for options

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Bump any leads on an immersion chiller this dry ice shortage blows

I may be able to help you out with one

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