Is this crc yield loss relatively normal?

Yesterday I re-ran 105g of good quality but dark oil through 1.25 cups of straight baked b80, and ended up with 75g of great looking stuff. I dissolved the oil using @murphymurri boiling tek, and it worked great. There was no oil left in the column/first filter plate. I have yet to weigh the b80 post-polish, but I have the wet/dry starting weight, so I plan on doing that today.

This was my second time using CRC, I’ve never used it on actual plant matter. Is this loss in yield normal for re-run? Should I expect a similar loss in yield when running plant matter?

How much solvent did you use?

Could always try running fresh solvent through the b80 again and see what comes out…


Didn’t have it on a scale, but I filled the 4x24 column twice. I have a feeling it was pretty much void of cannabinoids after the first fill. I’d guess around 13-14lb total

dissolving resin and rerunning works great…AND its pretty easy to not get everything dissolved.

the first time I tried this I got 5 more slabs by rinsing the magic dirt with fresh solvent.

…and unlike your normal “cleaning runs”, this stuff looked even better than the 25+ slabs that went before it.


Interesting. I’ll definitely give it a try. I guess the crux of this thread however is whether or not there’s something inherent about pushing a high concentration of oil through a crc that inhibits yield

can you get potency on before vs after?

mass balance on the cannabinoids would be useful.

I’m currently between analytics. rumor has it an HPLC is on the cards.

the first place I’d go is a rinse with fresh solvent. everything has a hold up volume, and if you threw high potency tincture at the CRC, then that hold up is going to take more of your cannabinoids than the same volume with less concentrated tincture.

in my case there were probably actual chunks of resin sitting on top/in my media.



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gonna try it brb

2.5g’s lol fml


How much solvent did you flush with? And how does the 2.5g look comparatively?

~7-10lb, through the 4x12 crc with 1.25 cups straight b80

It looks just as good, maybe a little lighter. Significantly more citrus scent tho. Almost too much lol

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You could always take a sample of media which has product run through it, extract it and run on hplc. Take the concentration and back calculate how much product is retained in the media


Plan to do that once it dries out a little more. What does everyone generally experience with losses on straight b80?

it sounds like you might be channeling thru your column. how do you pack/run it? I see less than 1% yield loss when redissolving and filtering

The key is to prewet the crc column with clean butane before sending your solution through it


So this time around I didn’t do that, but the first time I did. Is the reason people recommend this to improve yield? I figured it was color remediation efficiency

I feel like yield loss wouldn’t be symptomatic of channeling, poor remediation efficiency would


The first run through a freshly packed crc column will give you shockingly low yields sometimes. Where I work we usually run the same bio for awhile so the yields increase quite a bit after that but I would never run just one run through crc without at least flushing quite a bit after.

Interesting, I was under the impression people use fresh media every time


Depends on the media choice, and the amount used.