Is there an online discount source for THC seltzers?

Here in Texas they’ve started opening up d8 and d9 THC shops and selling d9 THC seltzers my wife loves. But they’re like 20-25 bucks for 4 packs lol

There are a ton of online retailers selling them. What mg or flavors?

Realistically that price isn’t too far off what Pabst is selling four packs for on the CA rec market.


5mg and 10mg

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Have you tried Specs? If there are some nearby? I bet that is cheapest.

Ya looks like these things got that newness price inflation on them everywhere. I might try some water soluble THC to dose regular flavored seltzers for her lol

These guys won first place in a cannabis cup. I find looking at the companies featuring drinks in contests and expos are a good way to find new products and better prices.